What is Arch Linux - Installing Arch Linux with Anarchy Installer.


Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020

Good afternoon Türk Hack Team Family.
Today we will look at what is Arch Linux and how to install it.


What is Arch Linux?
Arch Linux is a Linux distribution for computers with x86-64 processors. Arch Linux adheres to the KISS principle and focuses on simplicity, modernity, pragmatism, user-centricity, and versatility. The operating system family is Unix-Liket. Now, I explain the above-mentioned KISS principle as follows. Keep It Simple Stupid. So it means "Simplify It, Stupid." It is a Linux distribution that brings Linux experience in your blood.

Arch Linux Let's install

Instead of installing Arch Linux manually, I will install it with the Anarchy installer.itYou can access Anarchy installer from the link.


We come across such a part, I choose English.


Then a part opens to choose the language of the keyboard.


Then, the part of the keyboard comes, "Are you going to download Arch Linux?". Now, if you say "Yes", it will delete the disk and start installing Arch Linux.A part of our language is opened.


In this section, we click "Dowloand & Rank New Mirrors".


In this part, I recommend you to choose the closest server to you to download it faster.


Now it asks you to set your.


Time zone right after.


Now the job wants your sub-region.


Now it asks you to adjust the partition settings. If you are going to install it for the first time and you do not have knowledge, I suggest you install "Auto Partition Drive".


Then choose your own disk.

After that, I will pass quickly, I will identify the important parts.


I choose EXT4


We say "yes".


Then we click on "Write-Changes".

From now on, it is up to you to add. I wish you a good day.


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