What is Binary?


Katılımcı Üye
21 Eki 2015
Is Binary Important?


Computer are machines based on 0s and 1s. What we call zero is defined as closed, no, negative, while one is defined as open, yes, positive. We call this system binary. For example, the result of an operation on the computer was 247.

This output isn’t saved to disk exactly like this. Yes we will see 247 on the screen in decimal.

However, it is recorded in the background as 11110111 in binary format. How do these zeros and ones becomes 247?

We multiply the numbers by 2n starting from the right. N starts form zero and increases by one.

(1×20) + (1×21) + (1×22) + (0x23) + (1×24) + (1×25) + (1×26) + (1×27)  = 247 

1 + 2 + 4 + 0 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 = 247

Well, we get the numbers. How do we explain the letters in binary? That’s where ASCII logic comes in. Each letter and character has a numeric equivalent in the ASCII table and we use these translations.


Zeros and ones aren’t used only when data is stored on disk. All calculations depend on it. At the same time, data is transmitted vi binary while being transmitted inside the computer and sent to other places on the internet.
There is also a link between this binary event the electric current. For example, +5 volts are used to transmit 1 in the binary, -5 volts are used to transmit 0.
There may be erroneous or exceptional circumstances. For example, small shifts in analog signals cause distortion. However, as in the binary, if the digital signals go to +4 volts, the nearest possibility is +5 volts and it is considered as 1.


Well, let’s look for an answers to another question. What units do we specify data sizes with? Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte...
When converting this data to each other, we accept 1024 and multiplies. So why 1024 instead of 1000?
For this, we need to know the concept of “bits”, which is the smallest unit of data.

Let’s go back to our math classes in elementary school nd use the boxes. What we call bit is a box. And it can only take a number into it. We also learned that there are no numbers on the computer except zero and one. Then zero or one will come.

A byte is a combination of eight bits. If you say why eight bits, it comes from 2. Kilobyte is 1024 bytes. Then the units are folded continuously with 1024 times. As you can imagine, that comes from the number 2 exponent 10.

Another question is, what’s the deal with internet speed? Does the speed we call 100 Mbps, download 100 megabytes per second?
No. Because Mbps, which we provide with internet speed abbreviation, doesn’t come from the concept of megabyte. It means megabit per second. So 100 megabits per second.
Let’s wrap it up immediately. How many bits was a byte? 8 bits. So if I divide 100 by 8, I know how many megabytes I downloaded per second. That’s 12.5 megabytes per second. I think it’s a good speed for a normal user today.

Let’s continue. What are 32-bit and 64-bit in operating systems and programs? The architectures of these software are designed to handle certain sizes of data at the same time.
In theory, 32-bit architecture had a maximum of 4 GB (232 bits were 4 GB). 64-bit architectures process a maximum of 18 billion GB of data. Therefore, we can say that there is no RAM or hardware to force 64-bit architecture today.
So you can make the following conclusion here, When you use a 32-bit operating system, you will always get 4 GB of performance, no matter how much RAM your computer has. This also applies to the software you use.

In practice, the effect of these calculations is generally irrelevant to ordinary users. But not always. For example, a few years ago, Gangnam Style appeared so much that we really bored.
At least that was the case for me. But the other issue that came up in mid-2012 was the collapse of the YouTube counter. This bizarre dance clip has been watched so much that YouTube’s 32-bit counter has reached its final capacity and stopped counting afterwards. 2,147,483,647 views were last.
After that ...


Later on, YouTube edited the counter as 64 bits. Now to lock the timer, you need to shoot a video with 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 view, which is almost impossible. Perhaps a domestic slime video would be instrumental in switching to the 128 bit counter.

Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/server-guvenlik/1923169-binary-onemi.html

Translator: Provido

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