What is Caldera Linux? Caldera Linux Installation


Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020
Caldera Linux, also known as Caldera OpenLinux, was created by Caldera System (now SCO Group) in 1997 as “Linux for Business!” It is an operating system that uses the Linux kernel developed with the slogan. Caldera OpenLinux was basically created on the idea of meeting the needs of business users. The difference from many other Linux distributions is that Caldera Linux was a linux operating system that was sold for license, not free.

Caldera, which accepts both business users as the target audience and is paid, has therefore included some paid and free software that business users can benefit from with the installation. Although Caldera is an old operating system, there are still versions available today. However, we can say that it is no longer as popular as it was in its time.


Caldera Linux Installation

Caldera Linux is fairly simple to install. First of all, you need to either buy a Caldera Linux installation CD or download a free and non-commercial ISO image file from the links below. You can burn the downloaded ISO file to a USB stick with a software like Rufus.

As soon as you boot your computer from the installation media, Caldera's graphical interface that will help you through the installation process appears. Interestingly, in the installation screen of Caldera, a concept is followed, unlike many operating systems. You will see people dancing in the background of the screen and you will probably be surprised. Symbolically, this meant to emphasize how easy an operating system Caldera is to install. For this reason, such an attempt was made to draw a picture of happy people. When the installation screen is fully opened, Caldera assists you in the installation process by asking you questions. Let's start;

The first question is, of course, the language option related to the installation language and OS language. Language options include prominent popular languages such as English, German, French and Italian. Unfortunately, there is no Turkish language option. After completing our language options, a different screen appears for us to check the settings of our mouse. If your mouse settings are in place, do not touch this part, if not, then you can adjust your mouse to the desired setting with the help of simple settings.

Our next step is to format disk space for installation. If you only use Caldera Linux on your disk, there is no problem. If you want to use your computer as Dual boot, then you will have to deal with this screen a bit and perform the disk partitioning process.

When you prepare your discs, you will see the screen about which version of Caldera will be installed. Here are simple explanations along with the options. If your English is not enough to understand them, then you can find out which version has an advantage over which version by doing research on the internet.

You need to select your monitor from the monitor screen detection screen and then set the ideal values for the screen resolution. After choosing the resolution that suits you best and the screen you are using, you can proceed to the next step.

In the last stage, we enter the Root user information for the operating system and create our own profile. After completing this process, we are now considered to have completed the installation. Now the installation will finish the necessary processes and our computer will be restarted. Then you can start using Caldera.

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