What is Content in Social Media?


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3 Tem 2016
What is Content in Social Media?

What is "Content" actually?


It is everything that gives meaning or quality to something, causing everything to exist.

It can be said to producing content is many items come together and produce something qualified. The ingredients such as chocolate, oil, sugar come together and the delightful waffle or various chemical substances come together to produce medicine for healing purposes.

This is also same in social media. The fact that many factors come together and produce something qualified and purposeful is called producing content.

The most important thing to consider when producing content is to get to know your audience. Data or technical support will give you a hint about the user's behavior. But as in all aspects of life, what is important on social media is to listen, to be able to establish dialogue and to speak. Social CRM section is where your empathy feeling will be used intensively. Social CRM is to follow the followers' comments, responses, questions, complaints or suggestions. This moderation part in social media is actually the most critical point of social media management. Because at this point, you can form a conversation with the follower, and you can shape your account with these conversations. Thanks to this moderation part, you can bring the trick to whom and how you provide the content you produce to the characters.


If you can manage this section properly, it'ld be easier to create accurate content.

This moderation will be easier with the texts, the style of that texts, the selected images, the concepts or topics to be chosen. If negative responses in a content sharing prevent positive responses, you may need to review your content and listen more to the follower. You can also present your content to your followers with trial and error method. By sharing the content in several different concepts recently, you can observe which concept is liked by the follower more.

A large part of being a content creator is follow-up and empathy. You can understand what kind of content you need to produce by putting yourself in the shoes of followers at the same time. Only the images, texts or topics you choose according to your own taste may not give you the turns you want. Unless if your followers don't have close or similar characters with you.

You should never ignore empathy when measuring the overall age, gender, region and responses of your target audience. Half of this is based on data and statistical information, and the other half is empathy. Do not underestimate the content, which is the most valuable mine of social media. Even if you take it seriously, it will be a pleasure to watch the success of your qualified content with low budgets.



Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/sosyal...mlar/1920882-sosyal-medyada-icerik-nedir.html
Translator: R4V3N
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