What is Cyber Intelligence?


Uzman üye
15 May 2021
En el universo
Hello dear THT members , today I will tell you about Cyber Intelligence . Good reading .

Note : Some places are quoted . I will be glad if you welcome it.
1. General Description
cyber intelligence ; We can define cyber threats that may become a risk for an institution as tools that eliminate them with different solutions. In the 2010s, firewall, antivirus, etc. Things turned out to be not enough and cyber intelligence emerged.
2. The Necessity and Importance of Cyber Intelligence
Cyber intelligence is something that should be in every organization, otherwise major cyber threats will emerge against that organization. Some examples of this attack:






Man in the Middle (MiTM)



Wiper Attacks

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

Data Breaches




Advanced Persistent Threat
3.Cyber Intelligence Groups:
Strategic Intelligence: It is the type of intelligence aimed at recognizing the enemy. It contains information on the attackers' intentions, motivations, tactics and strategies, past actions and possible attacks.
Operational Intelligence: This type of intelligence includes the techniques, tactics and procedures of the attackers. This information is served to the teams providing the SOC (Security Operation Center) service.
Tactical Intelligence: This type of cyber intelligence includes data that identifies potential malicious activity on the system and network. Tactical intelligence is integrated into security solutions such as SIEM, Firewall, IDP/IPS, DLP, Anti-Spam, Endpoint Protection.

4. Open Source Coded Cyber Intelligence Solutions:

MISP; It is a threat intelligence platform to share, store and correlate reconciliation indicators of targeted attacks, threat intelligence, financial fraud information, vulnerability information and even counter-terrorism information.

It also uses IoCs and information to detect and prevent attacks, frauds or threats to ICT infrastructures, organizations or individuals.
That's it, thanks for reading.

Warning : This Topic has been shared in Turkish in the Normal Forum . I wanted to share the same here. Let the Managers Know .


Katılımcı Üye
4 Ocak 2020
Hello dear THT members , today I will tell you about Cyber Intelligence . Good reading .

Note : Some places are quoted . I will be glad if you welcome it.
1. General Description
cyber intelligence ; We can define cyber threats that may become a risk for an institution as tools that eliminate them with different solutions. In the 2010s, firewall, antivirus, etc. Things turned out to be not enough and cyber intelligence emerged.
2. The Necessity and Importance of Cyber Intelligence
Cyber intelligence is something that should be in every organization, otherwise major cyber threats will emerge against that organization. Some examples of this attack:

3.Cyber Intelligence Groups:
Strategic Intelligence: It is the type of intelligence aimed at recognizing the enemy. It contains information on the attackers' intentions, motivations, tactics and strategies, past actions and possible attacks.
Operational Intelligence: This type of intelligence includes the techniques, tactics and procedures of the attackers. This information is served to the teams providing the SOC (Security Operation Center) service.
Tactical Intelligence: This type of cyber intelligence includes data that identifies potential malicious activity on the system and network. Tactical intelligence is integrated into security solutions such as SIEM, Firewall, IDP/IPS, DLP, Anti-Spam, Endpoint Protection.

4. Open Source Coded Cyber Intelligence Solutions:

MISP; It is a threat intelligence platform to share, store and correlate reconciliation indicators of targeted attacks, threat intelligence, financial fraud information, vulnerability information and even counter-terrorism information.

It also uses IoCs and information to detect and prevent attacks, frauds or threats to ICT infrastructures, organizations or individuals.
That's it, thanks for reading.

Warning : This Topic has been shared in Turkish in the Normal Forum . I wanted to share the same here. Let the Managers Know .
nice topic.

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