What is Cyber Security?


Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020

What is Cyber ​​Security?


What is Cyber ​​Security? Cyber ​​security; It covers information security, operational security, computer security. 29 November 2019 Cyber ​​security covers many different concepts from information security to operational security and security of computer systems. A successful approach to cybersecurity has multiple layers of protection spread across computers, networks, programs, or data that it wants to keep safe. In an organization, people, processes, and technology must complement each other to create an effective defense against cyberattacks. A unified threat management system can automate integrations between specific Cisco Security products and accelerate key security operations functions: detection, investigation, and remediation.
Technology is crucial to giving organizations and individuals the computer security tools needed to protect them from cyber attacks. Three main entities must be protected: endpoint devices such as computers, smart devices, and routers; networks; and cloud. Common technology used to protect these assets includes next-generation firewalls, DNS filtering, malware protection, antivirus, and email security solutions. In today's connected world, everyone benefits from advanced cyber defense programs. At the individual level, a cybersecurity attack can result in everything from identity theft to break-in attempts to the loss of important data such as family photos.


Cyber ​​security threat types

Phishing is the practice of sending fake emails similar to emails from reputable sources. The goal is to steal sensitive data such as credit card numbers and login details. This is the most common type of cyber attack. You can help protect yourself through education or with a technology solution that filters malicious emails.
Ransomware is malicious software, also known as malware. It encrypts the victim's data until the attacker is paid a pre-determined ransom. Typically, the attacker requests payment in the form of a cryptocurrency such as bitcoin. Only then will the attacker send a decryption key to free the victim's data. Malware:
Malware is a type of software designed to gain unauthorized access or damage a computer.
Social engineering is a tactic that competitors use to trick you into revealing sensitive information. They can request a monetary payment or access your private data



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