What is DIRB? How to use?


Katılımcı Üye
13 Ocak 2018


What is DIRB?

DIRB is a website content scanner. It searchs every url in the target website, thats why mostly people uses it for finding admin panel. If you have Kali Linux, it's have to already downloaded to your computer. If it's not, then you can download it by writing "apt-get install dirb" to your terminal.

The main purpose of DIRB is professionally helping to web application's supervision. Especially during the pentests.

Author: The Dark Raver
License: GPLv2


How to use?

By writing "dirb targetwebsite.com" to your terminal, you can start to scanning operation.


If you want to save results, you should write "dirb http://targetsite.com -o result.txt". This will save your results as result.txt


If you didn't mark a special wordlist, it will use "/usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt" as the default wordlist. Let me show to you what will we do if we want to use different wordlist.


For using another wordlist, just writing your wordlist's l*cation after writing the target website will be enough.


[COLOR="Red"]dirb https://targetwebsite.com /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/big.txt[/COLOR]



Thanks for reading.

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