What is Doxing?


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills

Doxing is when someone discloses personal information (online) without their consent. The word originated in 1990 by the anonymous person. If the doxing process takes place on the victim, this is called being "doxed".

Why Doxing Process?

Doxing can be performed with various reasons, including assisting with legal inquiries or using it in business analysis, However, in the context of cyberbullying, doxing, embarrassing someone, extortion, etc. It includes actions and can even be used with illegal justice purposes. Often, we can call it "harassment" online by scaring or trying to threaten the victim's personal safety.


Doxing's Impact on Humans

Doxing can affect a person diversely. It is a matter of affects a person's mental health, regular life and, in extreme cases, their physical health. Living with the threat of being doxed or being doxed can cause strong feelings of anxiety (constant anxiety and anxiety) that can affect their mental health. When someone's information is shared online, the victim often feels like the whole world have access to their personal information.

Types of Information Used in Dox

Name surname
Cell phone numbers
Home address
Personal correspondence (SMS, e-mail, private social media messages,)
IP addresses
Usernames and passwords for various online accounts
Private media such as photos or video


How Can We A**** It?

Be careful what you post online.

Is it important to share everything that happens in your life on the media? Be careful not to share your information (such as home address, phone number, etc.).

Change your privacy settings. You can keep your social media accounts private for that others cannot see them from outside.

Turn On Two-Factor Verification. Let's not forget to enable two-factor verification on our social media accounts. The more we keep our data private in our accounts, the better for us, even if someone finds your password, there will be no need to worry. You can open this verification to protect your data.


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