What is Drug Abuse? Drug Abuse Information


Özel Üye
3 Haz 2011
KKTC, Lapta
"What is drug abuse?" is an important question for any loved one of a person with a possible substance use problem. Drug abuse information clearly states drug abuse is an extreme desire to obtain, and use, increasing amounts of one or more substances. Drug abuse is a generic term for the abuse of any drug, including alcohol and cigarettes.

When considering, "what is drug abuse?" one should remember drug abuse is not the same thing as drug dependence or drug addiction. Drug dependence or addiction indicates a psychological or physical dependence on the drug to function. Drug dependence requires the symptoms of withdrawal if the drug is discontinued, whereas drug abuse does not.

Who Falls Victim to Drug Abuse?

Anyone can become a drug abuser. Drug abuse information indicates that all ethnicities, ages, social groups and genders can have drug abuse problems. Drug abuse is not a character flaw but rather a medical condition that has developed over time. While no one knows why one person becomes a drug abuser while another doesn't, drug abuse does tend to run in families.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse indicates the following risk factors for developing drug abuse problems (typically seen in adolescence) :

  • Unstable home environment, often due to drug abuse or mental illness of the parent
  • Poor relationship with parents
  • Inadequate supervision over adolescent's activities
  • Use of drugs by friends / peers
  • Permissive attitude towards their own drug use and the drug use of the adolescent
  • Behavioral problems combined with poor parenting
  • Poor achievement in school
  • Apparent ambivalence or approval of drug use in the school, peer group or community
  • Availability of drugs in the community, peer group or home

What Drugs Are Abused?

Drug abuse can be abuse of any chemical substance including cigarettes, inhalants, alcohol and others. Drug abuse information shows both legal and illegal drugs can lead to drug abuse. In short, any drug that can be used can also be a drug of abuse.

Categories of drugs commonly seen in drug abuse cases include:

  • Legal, over-the-counter - Includes drugs like alcohol and cigarettes
  • Legal, prescription - includes drugs like methadone, oxycodone and Zolpidem
  • Chemical - includes drugs like inhalants
  • Illegal - includes drugs like marijuana, opiates (like heroin), stimulants (like methamphetamines and cocaine) and hallucinogenics (like acid)

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