What is FileZilla / Detailed Description


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
Download: https://www.gezginler.net/indir/filezilla.html

File Zilla, which is very simple to use, is designed for desktop operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS. In addition, it is the most preferred software by developers due to its open source code.

How to provide File Transfer Protocol Connection with FileZilla?

You will need some information to establish a connection. The most important of these is server information. What we call a server; Website, VDS, VPS, Cloud servers etc.

If you have a server, you need File Zilla and File Transfer Protocol information. Usually, this information needs to be forwarded to the people who rent the server by e-mail. In some cases, it is not transmitted, so you need to contact your server provider.

Some information required for File Zilla and File Transfer Protocol;

-Server name and IP address
-File Zilla with File Transfer Protocol
-User name
-Port to be established for connection


First of all, when we pressed the button in the picture above, we encountered a screen like the one above. After filling the FTP information here, we are pressing the connect button.


Then, as we see on the screen above, we are adding the files to our website with drag and drop logic. And we are completing the process.

Source: FileZilla Nedir / Detaylı Anlatım


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