What is Host and Server?

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19 Tem 2011
What is host and server?

The word host means hosting. In fact, this is exactly what it means on the internet. That is where your website is located in the virtual. The texts, pictures and audio files you have prepared for your website must be stored on the internet. If you think of the internet as your own personal computer, you will save your pictures in the picture folder and your music in the my music folder. You call and use it when you need it, here is the host for websites.

The only difference is that not only you look at your website, but because a lot of people need to look, the computer should always stay on. To open a website, you first need to find and buy a domain name. You then redirect this domain name to the IP address of the computer you are hosting, and your site will now be visible. Computers that are constantly open for websites are called servers. Computers we call servers are mostly not the same computers we use in our home. Some may have high features. You can also turn your own personal computer into a personal server or host for your website. The first condition for this is that your computer is always on. If your personal computer shuts down, it will shut down on your website. The second requirement is that you have a fixed IP address. This IP address should not change as it will be the transport address of your site. After that, you can host your site from your own computer, but it is a very laborious task. Especially in Turkey, even 5 turkish lira, annual Needless to host them when found.


Translator: Secret Person
Subject source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/hosting/312150-host-ve-sunucu-nedir.html
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