What is KVKK and What Are Our Responsibilities?


Özel Üye
18 Tem 2016
KVKK comes from personal delivery protection law. You can find the answers to the questions of what KVKK is, when it entered,
what is the purpose and scope of the law. First of all, we want to start by explaining the concept of data, that is, information.


Knowledge is the name given to all the facts, facts and principles that the human mind can take. Information has been among our most important assets throughout history. It has been the greatest source of wealth, wisdom and most importantly technology. There was information a thousand years ago and it still exists today. Likewise, just as we set rules to protect information a thousand years ago, today we are developing our laws, rules and standards to protect information. Knowledge has always been important throughout human history.

Likewise, information is among the most important assets of an institution. Organizations compile, share, sell or use their knowledge to obtain a product or a service. Institutions are damaged when access to information is not possible or when the information required for the values ​​and products produced by the institutions is stolen and changed.

Information is sometimes stored on our desk, sometimes in books, sometimes in paper, and sometimes in specially designed systems. Most importantly, the information is in the mind of the employees. For this reason, information must be properly protected in any environment.


Since the mid-twentieth century, it has become easier to obtain information thanks to the developments in the fields of communication and technology. Likewise, access to information has become much easier for malicious people who want to steal, damage or share information.

Information is the most important capital of the technology age we are in.

Today, countries, institutions, companies and even individuals have started to digitalize rapidly due to business or entertainment tools, and then information has become much more important for everyone.

As access to information became easier, it attracted the attention of malicious people, and as the value of information increased, attacks increased. Technology has made our access to information much easier and allowed attackers to use new techniques and new methods.


What is KVKK?

KVKK is the Law on Protection of Personal Data. At the same time, the KVKK institution has entered our lives in order to operate this law and to continue the processes. After this date, audits started and serious steps were taken to protect personal data. The KVKK law, which has been in draft form for a long time, entered into force after being published in the official gazette on April 7, 2016. In this way, the obligations and the rules to be followed by companies that process personal data have been determined in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, from the processing of personal data to the privacy of private life.

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