What is NetBSD? NetBSD Download and NetBSD Installation


Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020
NetBSD is a Unix-based operating system, one of the widely used distributions of the UNIX operating system family, also known as BSD. The reason why this operating system, which is distributed using BSD license, is much less heard compared to other operating systems; The operating system is both open source and has no commercial concerns. The biggest reason why NetBSD has a very small user base from Turkey is that there is no Turkish language support for NetBSD yet.

NetBSD is the most used operating system among the BSD operating system family distributions. This is because NetBSD requires very few system resources and is an operating system that can be used in 57 different platforms. According to the NetBSD philosophy, the code that is written correctly, not the code that works, works correctly. Therefore, when we compare NetBSD with other BSD software, it is undoubtedly the operating system with the smoothest code structure.


NetBSD Download

You can visit the operating system's own official website to download NetBSD. After visiting the website netbsd, you can switch to the download area by clicking the link under the Get NetBSD heading at the top left of the site. There are two different ways to get NetBSD. If you wish, you can buy NetBSD's CD as a donation and have it sent to your address. If you need the installation immediately, you can download the ISO file via FTP servers.

NetBSD Installation

After downloading the installation media required for NetBSD, you can print this file as bootable into a USB or CD/DVD media of your choice using free software such as Rufus or UNetBootin.

If you want to use a different operating system with the NetBSD operating system, all you have to do is free up enough space on the Harddisk for NetBSD to be installed. You can install NetBSD, which needs a minimum of 1 GB of storage space, in small areas that you shape according to your frequency of use and needs. You can also install NetBSD software on an external disk.

Before installing the NetBSD operating system, if you are using a different operating system, do not forget to back up this operating system and your important files. After all this information, you can now start the NetBSD installation by running your computer with the installation media priority (boot).

In the first step, the installation will ask you to specify the installation language. At this stage, you can choose English or any other language you know. You will then need to choose which keyboard layout to use for installation and operating system. Since NetBSD does not support Turkish language, there are two different ways you can follow. Either you will get a completely English keyboard or you will get used to using your existing keyboard according to the English layout. After choosing our lineup option for the keyboard, the interactive screen will appear. In this section, we will come to the Install NetBSD to Harddisk option in option A and press the Enter key.

Now NetBSD will ask us if we want to create new partitions on the disk we are using. Note that if you create new partitions using this step, the data contained in these partitions will be lost. Especially if there is a second operating system in this section and if you are going to use this operating system with NetBSD (Dual Boot), cancel the installation and perform the necessary actions to partition the disk. If you have already prepared your disk partitions or if only NetBSD will be used in the computer, we can skip this partition with Enter and continue the installation.

NetBSD installation will give us two options to choose our disk in the next step. From this section, select which partition you want to install on. Finally, choose the installation format you want from the Full, Minimal and custom installation options.

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