What is VDS-VPS and Dedicated?


Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020
What is VDS-VPS and Dedicated?

VPS-VDS is a virtual server. A server consists of multiple "small" servers in a virtual fashion with specialized programs.
VPS is found by software division of the central server. In this virtualization system, all VPSs on the server have to use the operating system installed on the central server, and the servers all running on this operating system are like small particles.
If there is a problem in the server (such as excessive processor or ram usage or attack), all VPSs on the server are affected by this problem. The amount of ram allocated to VPSs can be shared among VPSs and ram not used by one can be forwarded to another. Although all VPS work differently, they are all part of the same whole. Although high performance is provided throughout the system, it is not possible to perform operations such as kernel updates.


What is VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server)?

VDS is found by hardware partitioning of the central server. VDSs virtualized in this way become small servers that are completely independent from each other. Different operating systems can be installed on each of them, resource usage of virtual servers is completely independent from each other. V given processor and ram are not used by anyone else. Therefore, it is possible and not possible for VDSs to affect each other, a VDS that is resource-intensive or attacked will never affect others. As a way of working, there is no other than the physical leased server, kernel update etc. all kinds of operations can be performed.


What can we do with VDS?

1- DDos attacks

2- Game Servers

3-The bot that will remain active 24/7 in Discord

4-The website opens.

(many things I don't know yet)

This is a vivid example from the VDS machine

General Speed ​​test of VDS servers


Have a nice day
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