Why is cybersecurity important?


20 Haz 2021
Front-End-Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa


Hello dear TurkHackTeam I will tell you about the importance of cyber security in this regard.

Types of cyber threats
Common cyber threats include,
* Ransomware, botnet software, RATS (remote access Trojans), rootkits and bootkits, spyware, Trojans,malware such as viruses and worms.
* Backdoors (backdoor) that allow remote access .
* Formjacking, which adds malicious code to online forms.
* Cryptojacking, which installs illegal cryptocurrency mining software.
* DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks that take servers, systems, and networks offline by flooding them with traffic.
* DNS (domain name system) poisoning attacks that compromise DNS to redirect traffic to malicious sites.


4 types of cybersecurity

1- Network security

Network security is about ensuring the security of security vulnerabilities that affect your operating systems and network architecture, including servers and hosts, firewalls and wireless access points, and network protocols.

2- Cloud security
Cloud security is about ensuring the security of data, applications and infrastructure in the it is related.

3- IoT (Internet of Things) security

IoT security includes the security of smart devices and networks connected to the IoT. IoT devices include things that connect to the Internet without human intervention, such as smart fire alarms, lights, thermostats, and other devices.

4. Application security

Application security is related to ensuring the security of vulnerabilities arising as a result of unsafe development in the design, coding and publishing of software or a website..

Cyber security and information security

Cybersecurity is often confused with information security.
Cybersecurity focuses on protecting computer systems from unauthorized access or otherwise being damaged or rendered inaccessible.
Information security is a broader category that protects all information assets in printed or digital form.

Cyber security challengs
Mitigating the cybersecurity risks your organization faces can be difficult. This is especially true if you've moved to remote work and have less control over employee behavior and device security.

What are the consequences of a cyber attack?
Cyber attacks can cost organizations billions of dollars and cause serious damage. Affected organizations may lose sensitive data and face fines and reputational damage.

Managing cyber security
Effective cybersecurity management must come from the top of the organization.
A strong cybersecurity culture reinforced with regular training will ensure that every employee understands that cybersecurity is their own responsibility and that they are instinctively transitioning to security. Good safety and effective work practices must go hand in hand.

How to approach cyber security?
A risk-based approach to cybersecurity will ensure your efforts are focused where it's needed most. Using regular cybersecurity risk assessments to identify and assess your risks is the most effective and cost-effective way to protect your organization.
Cyber security checklist

1- Personnel awareness training

Human error is a leading cause of data breaches. That's why it's important to equip staff with the necessary knowledge to deal with the threats they face. Staff awareness training will show employees how security threats affect them and help them apply best practice advice to real-world situations.

2. Application security

Web application vulnerabilities are a common entry point for hackers. As applications play an increasingly critical role in business, a focus on web application security is vital.

3. Network security
Network security is the process of maintaining the availability and integrity of your network and data. This is achieved by performing a network penetration test that evaluates your network for vulnerabilities and security issues.
4. Leadership commitment
Leadership commitment is the key to cyber resilience. Without it, it is difficult to establish or implement effective processes. Top management should be prepared to invest in appropriate cybersecurity resources, such as awareness training.
5. Password management
Almost half of the UK population use 'password', '123456' or 'qwerty' as their password. You should implement a password management policy that provides guidance to ensure staff create and keep strong passwords secure.

thank you for reading :)
original subject: https://www.turkhackteam.org/konular/siber-guvenlik-neden-onemlidir.2016924/
subject owner: @DOKTR1N

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