365 Days Mustafa Kemal Ataturk


Kıdemli Üye
24 Eyl 2016

Afet İnan dies


Afet İnan, Atatürk’s adopted daughter, was born in Doyran, Salonika in 1908. She graduated from the Teachers Training School in Bursa in 1925, and started teaching primary school in İzmir the same year. She met President Mustafa Kemal, who had been touring the Aegean region, and with his support, she was sent to Lausanne where she would learn French. After her return, she passed the teaching examination, becoming teacher of history and national knowledge at Ankara Music Teachers Training School in 1929. When Mustafa Kemal found the textbook used insufficient, she wrote a new textbook entitled Civil Knowledge for Citizens with the translations she made from French and the contributions of Tevfik Bey (Bıyıklıoğlu). In 1935, she was offered a place on the teaching staff of the Faculty of Language, History, and Geography, but İnan turned the offer down on the grounds that she did not have a PhD. degree. Afterwards, she went to Switzerland to study recent and modern history at the University of Geneva. In 1939, she earned her PhD. degree in sociology, becoming assistant professor in 1942 and professor in 1950. In her research, Afet İnan focused on the “Turkish History Thesis,” which had been supported by Atatürk himself in the early years of the Republic, and took part in the writing of An Outline of Turkish History as a member of the Committee of Turkish History, which had undertaken the project. She also conducted research at the Budapest Archives for the Turkish History Thesis. Afet İnan was always close to Atatürk during the last 13 years of his life, and later wrote her experiences in Atatürk - Memories and ********s. She continued teaching at various universities during her retirement, and died on June 8, 1985.


Kıdemli Üye
24 Eyl 2016

Atatürk visits the Aviation School in Eskişehir


Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk stopped at Eskişehir on June 9, 1936 on his way from İstanbul to Ankara by train, and visited the Aviation School. Inspecting the school and watching single and group flights, Atatürk made a speech in which he once again stressed the importance of aviation: Have no doubt that planes will be the most valuable weapons of the future… Our duty is to make sure that we do not fall too far behind the west in this aspect. A few hours before his visit to the Aviation School, Sabiha Gökçen had flown in from Bursa. She had already completed her civilian pilot training, and began her military aviation training at Eskişehir on that very day. The Aviation School in Eskişehir was one of the first military aviation schools in Turkey. After the founding of the Republic, an inspection committee had been sent to Europe as the first step in developing military aviation, and an agreement had been made with the French Aviation School for the training of Turkish students. In addition, aviation schools had been founded in İzmir in 1923 and in Eskişehir in 1925. The Aviation School in Eskişehir gave its first graduates in October 1925, and the school consisted of two main departments: “pilot officers” and “pilot and specialist regular petty officers.” The period of training for officers was years and for regular petty officers 11 months. Sabiha Gökçen received her aviation training at the Aviation School in Eskişehir in 1936 and 1937, graduating from the 11-month program.


Kıdemli Üye
24 Eyl 2016

The first Ghazi Horse Race


Mustafa Kemal Pasha took great interest in horses and riding, and led the way in the organization of the first horse races in 1920, when the War of Independence was at its height, at a 1600-meter racetrack near the Ankara train station. The races continued in the following years despite economic hardships, and after the declaration of the Republic, they took on a more institutional structure. The High Horse Racing and Breeding Commission established according to the Animal Breeding Law Number 904, passed in 1926, gave a modern outlook to horse racing. Supported by Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the establishment of the Horse Racing Commission made it possible to have a regular program for horse racing for the first time in 1927. After this date, horse races were organized in İstanbul, Ankara, and İzmir, as well as Bursa, Adana, Samsun, Sivas, and Adana. The first “Ghazi Races” in the name of Atatürk were held on June 10, 1927, following the proposal of the Racing and Breeding Commission. The most important aspect of this race was that only three-year old purebred British horses were allowed to participate. For this reason, each horse could enter this race only once in its lifetime. Mustafa Kemal Pasha and İsmet Pasha watched the first Ghazi Race together, and the winner of the race was Neriman, a mare that belonged to Ali Muhiddin Hacıbekir. Among horse owners who won the race in the following years were statesmen like Celal Bayar and İsmet İnönü. The Ghazi Horse Race is still one of the most important and prestigious sporting events in Turkey.


Kıdemli Üye
24 Eyl 2016

Atatürk donates his farms to the Treasury


In a telegram sent to the Prime Ministry on June 11, 1937, Atatürk announced that he donated all the farms belonging to him to the Treasury. His message read: It is common knowledge that I had set up many farms in various parts of the country at different times in order to carry out scientific and practical experiments in agriculture and agricultural economics. These institutions have continued and broadened their activities for 13 difficult years, and today, they have become productive, mature, and valuable assets in every sense of the word… I believe that these institutions will constitute a fine example and support for choosing and developing the measures already taken and to be taken by the state with the purpose of developing agricultural methods, increasing production, and developing villages. In this belief, I donate all my farms together with their facilities, livestock, and inventory to the Treasury. Covering 154,729 acres, the farms donated by Atatürk were as follows: the Ghazi Forest Farm in Ankara, the Millet and Baltacı Farms in Yalova, the Tekir and Şövalye Farms in Silifke, the orange grove and the Karabasamak Farm in Dörtyol, and the Pıloğlu Farm in Tarsus. Prime Minister İsmet İnönü sent Atatürk a telegram on June 12, thanking him for his generous gesture. Atatürk sent İnönü the following reply: This gift is of no value compared to the gift I intend to give the glorious Turkish nation. I will give my life to the Turkish nation as my greatest gift when the need arises. Similarly, Atatürk responded to the telegram by the Grand National Assembly, which expressed their sincere feelings and gratitude: What I have done is simply my duty!


Kıdemli Üye
24 Eyl 2016

Decision to build the Heybeliada Sanatorium


As part of the health care drive undertaken by the Republic government, the decision was taken on June 12, 1924, to build the first sanatorium of Turkey on Heybeliada (Halki). A sanatorium in Switzerland was taken as the model for the new sanatorium that would be offering its services in the old “Naval School Infirmary” located at the Pine Dock to the south of Heybeliada. The building was very suitable for the treatment of patients suffering from tuberculosis in terms of its ******** and its weather conditions, and Dr. Tevfik İsmail and Dr. Server Kâmil were charged with converting the building into a sanatorium using the tight budget given by the Grand National Assembly. The sanatorium was opened on November 1, 1924, and had only 16 beds in the beginning. Despite its limited resources, the sanatorium received huge interest thanks to its ******** and the extraordinary efforts of its doctors, and after a while, it began receiving patients over and above its capacity. As a result, a new wing was built in 1945 for female patients. During this period, the inpatient bed capacity was increased as well. Besides treating tuberculosis, the sanatorium also offered rehabilitation services, providing professional courses for patients in photography, sculpture, shoemaking, typing, etc. A feature film was shown or a concert was organized every week to improve the morale of the patients. After 1980, the funds the Heybeliada Sanatorium received from the state diminished drastically, and it suffered serious damage during the Earthquake of 1999. It was announced in 2005 that the sanatorium would be closed down due to “difficulties imposed by sea transportation and the low number of patients,” and that patients and personnel would be transferred to the Süreyyapaşa Pulmonary Diseases Hospital. The Heybeliada Sanatorium was closed down in September 30, 2005.



Kıdemli Üye
24 Eyl 2016

Etibank founded


Following Atatürk’s oders, Etibank was founded on June 14, 1935 in order to “extract and put to use the underground sources of our country, to produce the minerals, industrial raw materials, and energy needed by our industries, and to carry out all banking transactions.” The name of the bank had been given by Atatürk himself. Etibank aimed at making the highest contribution to Turkish economy by following the general mining policy of the state and making best use of the country’s mining and industrial raw material sources. The bank established numerous plants all over Turkey to extract chromium, ferrochrome, colemanite, copper, mercury, borax, aluminum, bauxite, perlite, phosphate, silver, and sulfur. It also built chemical plants in order to produce sulfuric acid and sodium perborate monohydrate. Etibank turned over iron ore mining and the production of steel to Turkish Steel in 1955, and coal mining to Turkish Coal in 1957. Etibank was privatized on March 2, 1998, and closed down in 2001. Today, only Eti Mining is functional as a mineral-chemical company that runs the boron mines in Turkey.


Kıdemli Üye
24 Eyl 2016

Etibank founded


Following Atatürk’s oders, Etibank was founded on June 14, 1935 in order to “extract and put to use the underground sources of our country, to produce the minerals, industrial raw materials, and energy needed by our industries, and to carry out all banking transactions.” The name of the bank had been given by Atatürk himself. Etibank aimed at making the highest contribution to Turkish economy by following the general mining policy of the state and making best use of the country’s mining and industrial raw material sources. The bank established numerous plants all over Turkey to extract chromium, ferrochrome, colemanite, copper, mercury, borax, aluminum, bauxite, perlite, phosphate, silver, and sulfur. It also built chemical plants in order to produce sulfuric acid and sodium perborate monohydrate. Etibank turned over iron ore mining and the production of steel to Turkish Steel in 1955, and coal mining to Turkish Coal in 1957. Etibank was privatized on March 2, 1998, and closed down in 2001. Today, only Eti Mining is functional as a mineral-chemical company that runs the boron mines in Turkey.


Kıdemli Üye
24 Eyl 2016

Thank-you message from the Mark Twain Society


Atatürk was a figure closely followed by the whole world since the day he sprang on the stage of history. Especially after the War of Independence was won and the reforms followed suit, the interest in Atatürk grew even bigger. Letters and congratulatory notes arrived at Çankaya from all over the world almost every day. The greatest demand was for autographed photographs of Atatürk. For example, a letter sent from Norway dated April 25, 1932, read as follows: I have read many things about you and I have great respect for you. I live in Norway, and even in my small town, we are aware of your fame… I have cut out a photograph of you I saw in the paper. I would like to have a real photograph of yours. It would make me extremely happy if you would be so kind as to send one. The International Mark Twain Society in Missouri, USA sent a letter requesting a photograph, which was sent through the Embassy in Washington, DC. Mr. Cyril Clemens, the president of the society, wrote Atatürk the following letter on June 15, 1938 to thank him: Dear President Atatürk, We are extremely grateful for the present of your Excellency, which has reached us through Ambassador Ertegün. This beautiful picture will always be a source of pride and inspiration for all our members. You have given our times a greater name than Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Napoleon did to their respective periods. Your military and civilian genius has had a deep impact on all human history. As a token of our love and respect for you, our society has decided to send you a copy of our magazine, the Mark Twain Quarterly. Sincerely yours.


Kıdemli Üye
24 Eyl 2016

Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran in Ankara


Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran paid a long visit to Turkey between June 10 and July 6, 1934, and was met by President Atatürk on July 16 at the Ankara train station, where he arrived on route from Samsun. Mustafa Kemal gave great importance to the Shah’s visit, accompanying him on his long trip in the following days to the Aegean and Marmara regions and introducing him to the achievements of the young Republic. Reza Shah Pahlavi’s program in Ankara began with the official ceremony at the station on June 16. The city had been decorated, with arches placed and flags unfurled on his itinerary. The station had been flooded by a huge crowd. After the ceremony, Mustafa Kemal and Shah Pahlavi went to the Ankara Halkevi (People’s House). At night, there was a dinner reception in the Shah’s honor at Çankaya. Mustafa Kemal made the following speech of friendship at dinner: His Excellency, the Shahinshah, our great friend, and my dear brother, It gives me great pleasure to salute the exalted leader of our brothers, the nation of Iran. Your visit has made the whole Turkish nation very happy. The history of Turkish-Iranian relations shows us that these two countries suffered the most difficult times in their respective histories when their mutual friendship was broken. Conversely, when the ties of friendship, which is the outcome of the natural tendencies and high interests of both nations, grew stronger, both nations grew stronger as well, and prospered. In cognizance of this fact, the Republic of Turkey has made it one of the fundamental principles of its policies to maintain its friendship with Iran… Our nations have no goal other than to progress in peace and mutual friendship, and there is no doubt that they also regard serving peace in the world as their most honorable duty.

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