International Desing Team

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Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020


Do You Want To Join International Desing Team ?

Hello dear TurkHackTeam members. We are looking for teammates who will work in the Design Team and develop both themselves and our forum.

Required Qualifications

Able to use any of the following graphics design programs at the basic level.

• Adobe Illustrator (Ai)
• Adobe Photoshop (Ps)
• Adobe Experience Design (Xd)
• After Effects (Ae)
• Premiere Pro (Pr)

- We are looking for people who don’t have problems in terms of duration of activity and won’t disrupt the given tasks.
- We expect visionary members who are committed to the Turkhackteam mission and who will follow the rules related to the design team.

Application Form
Applications will be sent to Dolyetyus or the [email protected].

THT Profile Link(If any):
Your Name:
Education Status:
Phone Number:
Telegram Username:
The Programs You Use:
Your Daily Online Time:
The Work You Have Done (Max. 3):
Describe Yourself:
Members whose application results are positive will be notified via e-mail and will be assigned to the rank of Junior Designer.
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