Most Preferred Professions


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013


The most preferred professions in Turkey and the salaries they receive, which professions have a bright future, which professions will end, which ones will shine.

Although the most preferred professions, which are among the curious and sought-after subjects, vary from period to period, what does not change is that the choice of profession is made according to earnings. Unfortunately, in our country, a choice is not made according to the skills as in Europe in the choice of profession. According to the score obtained in the university exam, 24 choices are granted. Of course, there is no obligation to make all 24 choices. A certain segment of people set goals in high school and even secondary education and work accordingly. But when generalization is made, it is seen that preferences are made according to the scores received. There is only a grouping in numerical, verbal, equal weight or language.

Perhaps first of all, we need to touch on how to make the right career choice. Professions play an important role in determining future life and career goals. The choice of profession is easier for someone who has completed his individual development and is aware of his abilities. It is extremely important for the person to know himself/herself, to determine a profession for his/her field, to recognize the profession he/she has decided, to make the preliminary preparations for the profession and most importantly, to trust herself about the profession that will shape his/her life. One of the most important issues is to choose a profession that he will love and that his feet will not go back and forth when he goes to work.

Most Preferred Occupations and Salaries

Piloting, which is accepted as one of the most prestigious professions, adorns dreams with its considerable salary. Pilot candidates, who go through a very difficult training, also bear their expenses during the training. Those who go through difficult trainings and become pilots by covering the training costs live a financially comfortable life in the future. Captain pilots receive an average salary of 60,000 TL, while second pilots receive a salary of around 40,000 TL.


When it comes to earnings, doctoring, which is one of the most preferred professions, has a training process that requires patience and hard work. Those who want to specialize after a 6-year education continue to receive education according to the department they choose. Although the salary is quite good, after a difficult training process, those who are experts start to work with a salary between 14000-16000.


Lawyering, which is both a difficult and arduous profession, is among the first choices of those with strong verbal abilities both in terms of profession and earnings ranking. Lawyer candidates start their legal profession by doing 1 year of internship after 4 years of undergraduate education. Salaries in the legal profession, which is divided into many branches, vary according to experience between 9000-20000 TL.


Engineering, which is one of the most preferred professions, is a profession divided into many branches. Salaries vary according to the company, sector or field of study.


It is a profession in which those who have graduated from law school are entitled to become prosecutors after taking the judicial judicial exam. Those who want to become prosecutors or judges are subjected to a 100-question exam consisting of field knowledge and general culture. Those who score at least 70 points are eligible to enter the interview. Those who succeed in the interview take the most important step towards becoming a prosecutor. After the 2-year internship period, those who pass the exam successfully by taking a final exam step into the prosecutor's profession. While new employees receive a salary of around 7000 TL, salaries up to 12000 TL are determined according to experience.


Architecture, which is highly preferred in Turkey, is a profession that ranks high in terms of earnings and is divided into sections in its field. It is a sought-after profession in every field and space design and is ideal for those who have interest and ability in drawing and design. Architects working with salaries between 7000-10000 TL offer services with wages that vary according to the sector they work in.



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