How to Delete Viruses from CMD!


Haftanın Asistanı
28 Mar 2020
Hello precious Turk Hack Team Family! In this topic, you will learn "How to Delete Viruses from CMD".

Sometimes we can download viruses accidentally and our anti-virus program will find and delete it right away, right? But think about it, if that file is crypt and you can't delete it? here is the solution to this problem! But first, let's explain what viruses can do to our computer;

What is a computer Virus?

There are many types of Computer Viruses, and of course there are many ways to infect your computer, these viruses cause your computer to do things you don't want, for example; Deleting important files, tracking your actions, or gaining access to your computer by "hackers"… a virus is a real nuisance. Some viruses such as Locky Virus and CryptoLocker are known as "RansomWare" and what they do is encrypt, delete your files, or even change the extension of your files to .locky and .crypt. Other viruses are often hidden and the owner of the computer does not even notice it is there.

Viruses are often what you want to delete when you find them. Despite most options, some computer users choose to delete viruses via CMD.

How Can You Remove Viruses From CMD?

In fact, using command lines does not directly check for and remove viruses on your computer or external storage device. CMD helps you achieve your goal of removing viruses by showing hidden viruses on a partition or drive. Later, you can delete the suspicious files. Since viruses always hide themselves, you need to have viruses appear and then delete the virus files. Then all you need is the attrib command to view potentially hidden virus files using CMD.

The Attrib command is a Command Prompt command used to view, set, or remove attributes of files or folders in the selected ********. By canceling the "hidden" attribute of the virus, you can see it appear in the folder, so you know where to find it later and remove it.

Well, let's delete the virus!

Follow these steps below carefully to delete viruses from your computer or storage device using CMD.

Step 1-) Press Start then type CMD, Right click and press "Run as Administrator"

Step 2-) Select the disk where the virus is located, for example, type F: and press ENTER (The folder where the virus is located is the disk where you downloaded and unpacked the virus, so if your download folder is C:, type C:)

Step 3-) Type
attrib -s -h -r / s / d *. *
And press ENTER

Step 4-) Type dir and press Enter to find the application of the virus and then type "del filename.uzanti". If you do not know the name of the virus, you can open the task manager with CTRL + ALT + DELETE and see the name. Often, viruses are called "autorun" and the extension is ".inf".

Yes, you did it! you removed that virus from your computer. you can now browse the internet comfortably

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