How to Use DMitry Tool to Gather Information on Kali Linux


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
Welcome Turk Hack Team Members,

To hack a website, we need to know about the website first. Today I’ll explain a tool to gather website information named DMitry. Let’s get started:

CAUTION: We’re sharing this only for educational purposes. Turk Hack Team is not responsible for any unethical behavior.

Table of Contents

  • What is DMitry
  • DMitry Options
  • Example 1: Find Possible Subdomains
  • Example 2: Port Scan
  • Example 3: All Possible Info

What is DMitry

DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool) is a UNIX/(GNU) Linux Command Line program to gather as much information as possible.

It is able to gather possible subdomains, TCP port scan, email addresses, uptime information, whois lookups and more.

DMitry Options

To see all available options of DMitry, open the command line, type dmitry and then hit enter to all options.


Example 1: Find Possible Subdomains

In this step, we’ll try to get all possibles subdomains of a website. The syntax:

# without saving data
dmitry -s DOMAIN_NAME

# with saving data
dmitry -s -o info.txt DOMAIN_NAME

Have a look at the results:


Example 2: Port Scan

We’re going to see the way to scan ports using DMitry. The syntax:

# without saving data
dmitry -pb DOMAIN_NAME

# with saving data
dmitry -pb -o info.txt DOMAIN_NAME

Example 3: All Possible Info

In this step, we’ll try to get all possible info using DMitry. The syntax:

# without saving data
dmitry -winsepo DOMAIN_NAME

# with saving data
dmitry -winsepo -o info.txt DOMAIN_NAME

The winsepo means domain whois lookup (w), an IP whois lookup (i), retrieve Netcraft info (n), search for subdomains (s), search for email addresses (e), do a TCP port scan (p), and save the output to info.txt (o) of the targeted website.

//Quoted. Thanks for reading.
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