Were the Personal Data of Thousands of Beşiktaş Fans Stolen? Is it Fake News?


In the aftermath of a cyber attack on Vodatech Bilişim, the personal data of thousands of Beşiktaş football club fans has been compromised. Hackers have claimed to encrypt all stored data following the cyber attack.

DUVAR - The Personal Data Protection Authority (PDPA) has announced a new data breach on behalf of Beşiktaş Sportif Ürünleri Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ. Initial assessments suggest that approximately 27,920 fans have been affected by the attack, though the specific information that has been leaked has not yet been determined.

The breach, brought to light by Puma Sportswear's report to the PDPA, includes compromised data categories such as identity and contact details, customer transaction information, as well as visual and auditory records.


According to a report by Halk TV, the PDPA's statement reveals that Vodatech Bilişim Proje Danışmanlık Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret AŞ fell victim to a cyber attack. In this attack, hackers encrypted all data stored on the servers. As a result, personal data of both existing and potential customers ended up in the hands of the attackers. The PDPA mentioned that the total number of compromised records remains undetermined, but noted that 27,920 individuals have submitted data breach inquiries.

Consequently, the cyber attack has led to the exposure of user information, including identity and contact details, as well as customer transactions.

The source is in Turkish Link :https://www.turkhackteam.org/konula...sel-verileri-calindimi-yalan-habermi.2046158/


H@cked BaBy

Basın&Medya Ekibi Deneyimli
28 Haz 2023
Arkana bak

In the aftermath of a cyber attack on Vodatech Bilişim, the personal data of thousands of Beşiktaş football club fans has been compromised. Hackers have claimed to encrypt all stored data following the cyber attack.

DUVAR - The Personal Data Protection Authority (PDPA) has announced a new data breach on behalf of Beşiktaş Sportif Ürünleri Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ. Initial assessments suggest that approximately 27,920 fans have been affected by the attack, though the specific information that has been leaked has not yet been determined.

The breach, brought to light by Puma Sportswear's report to the PDPA, includes compromised data categories such as identity and contact details, customer transaction information, as well as visual and auditory records.


According to a report by Halk TV, the PDPA's statement reveals that Vodatech Bilişim Proje Danışmanlık Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret AŞ fell victim to a cyber attack. In this attack, hackers encrypted all data stored on the servers. As a result, personal data of both existing and potential customers ended up in the hands of the attackers. The PDPA mentioned that the total number of compromised records remains undetermined, but noted that 27,920 individuals have submitted data breach inquiries.

Consequently, the cyber attack has led to the exposure of user information, including identity and contact details, as well as customer transactions.

The source is in Turkish Link :https://www.turkhackteam.org/konula...sel-verileri-calindimi-yalan-habermi.2046158/

Fake news.

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