What is OSINT?

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19 Tem 2011

What is Open Source Intelligence?

Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is data collected from publicly available sources to be used in an intelligence context. Today, many modern intelligence services obtain intelligence information with AKI.


OSINT is delivered through magazines, newspapers, television, radio, websites, social media and online broadcasts.


OSINT can be a source of intelligence on its own, it can be used to confirm the confidential information obtained by various methods. Today, the photos obtained by secret operation can be confirmed through applications such as Google Map.


With the efficient use of technology, it is possible to access much important information only from your desk. Photos of education and training, recently shared by members of a terrorist through their social media accounts, examined in detail by intelligence agencies on the internet, various structure in the photos, like stream etc. by mapping geographic information through Google Earth, the ********s of training camps have been identified.

Information Gathering Process:

1- You should determine the needs for work.

2- Determining which resources to use.

3- Examination of published news from newspaper, radio, tv etc.

4- List resources on the Internet.

5- Listing of services that provide service for a fee.

6- Do the necessary research about institutions and people on the websites.

8- Research of the people who work in the target organization through social media.

9- Determine their tastes, opinions, weaknesses, etc.

10- Determining which people can be hunt.

11- Determination of social engineering methods that can be used.

12- Creation of fake accounts required for social engineering.

13- Analysis of the information.

source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/sosyal...-kaynak-istihbarati-nedir-osint-rootadam.html

Translator: dRose98
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