How to get data from another application/


Katılımcı Üye
25 Ağu 2008
Hello guys, I have a little big problem I guess,

I am trying to improve my programme but I need to get some informations from running another applications and I found spy++ but to be honest I don't know how to use it, does someone can explain me is there any way to get informations, data from another applications. If it's based on python, c#, java or c it will be better for me.

Let me explain example situation,

I have an e-mail send/receive programme and I sent regularly emails but while doing it I want to add informations in that email from whatsapp,telegram,chrome,firefox etc. what is the way for it.


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
Well you can make a program all on yourself. An other way to combine languages is learning how to use other languages within the program's original language. There are some ways to do this. E.g.: You can use both HTML and PHP by putting <?php and ?> among the html code.

There are various ways to do this process however you can search for it on web.


Katılımcı Üye
25 Ağu 2008
Well you can make a program all on yourself. An other way to combine languages is learning how to use other languages within the program's original language. There are some ways to do this. E.g.: You can use both HTML and PHP by putting <?php and ?> among the html code.

There are various ways to do this process however you can search for it on web.

Yes it's the easy way but I am trying to get infos like using c# based wpf, while using it I want to get datas from another application which is running like scrapping. In the internet I see a few solution for it's and they are really complicated much so I am trying to do it an easier way but I guess people do it lang in lang.
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