Human Intelligence


Katılımcı Üye
11 Mar 2021
Human Intelligence

Human Intelligence, It is the ability of a system to create programs (primarily intuitive ones) to solve and solve problems of a given complexity class in the process of self-learning.

Human Intelligence, The modern definition of intelligence refers to the ability to drive the cognition process and solve problems effectively, especially while mastering a new cycle of life tasks. Thus, the level of human and artificial intelligence can be improved, as well as the effectiveness of human intelligence can be increased and decreased. This ability is analyzed in relation to the events and tasks faced by the person in his life. For example, in relation to the problem of survival, survival is the main task of a person, for him the rest arises solely from the main task or tasks in any field of activity.

Academician Moiseev According to her, intelligence is above all goal setting, resource planning, and creating a strategy to achieve goals.

There is reason to believe that animals have the basis of intelligence through goal setting mechanisms and goal-achieving mechanisms, and already at this level, their intelligence influences and influences the evolution of animals. The study of animals' intelligence is concerned with a relatively young field of science - cognitive ethology.


Intelligence is the ability to plan, organize, and control your actions to achieve a goal, taking into account the clash of truth and good. Note that artificial intelligence devices also fall under this definition. Intelligence can only be updated in the information area. Each type of activity creates its own knowledge area. The training and the way it is used is based on the principles of the intelligence agency. The principles of organizing the investment of new knowledge in the field of knowledge, the methods of storage and reproduction also correspond to the characteristics of intelligence work, namely the organization of memory. Therefore, the field of knowledge is also an intellectual field because it already contains planning principles.

The influence of intelligence goes beyond a person's life. Homo sapiens'te The development of intelligence separated him from the animal world and the herd, first in society and then in the beginning of human civilization. Intelligence as a skill usually takes place with the help of other skills. Knowing, learning, logical thinking, systematizing information by analyzing it, determining its applicability, classifying it, finding links, patterns and differences in it, relating it to something similar.


Human your intelligence its sub-base quality is the depth, flexibility and mobility of the mind, its exploration, and its proof.

Curiosity is the desire to grasp this or that phenomenon comprehensively in fundamental relationships. Your mind this quality underlies active cognitive activity.

Your mind the ability to quickly explore new connections and relationships, overcome stereotyping, flexibility and mobility.

Consistency of thinking is characterized by a strict line of reasoning that takes into account all the basic aspects of the object under study and all possible relationships.

Evidence-based thinking is characterized by the ability to use facts, patterns at the right time, a kind of conviction that the results are correct.

Critical thinking, your mental activity exactly evaluating their consequences requires the ability to subject them to critical evaluation, to take the wrong decision, to abandon actions initiated if they conflict with the requirements of the task.
Broad thinking is the ability to consider the issue as a whole, without overlooking the initial data of the relevant problem, in order to see multivariate in solving the problem.

The different activity content requires the development of certain intellectual abilities of the individual. But in any case, sensitivity to urgent problems, trends in the possible development of the situation is required. Here your intelligence of development One sign is that the subject is unconnected with external constraints, lack of xenophobia & fear of repetition, the unusual.

One of the key features of an advanced human intelligence is the ability to intuitively solve complex problems.

The development of individual intelligence traits is determined by both the genotype of a particular species and the breadth of life experience.


In totalitarian social regimes, the so-called “target thought” It is created in compatible individuals. The individual's scope of thinking is narrowed by extremely limited daily limits, intellectual infantilism is common, and contemplation is widespread among intellectuals. Commonly stereotyped behavioral matrices begin to prevail in group thinking. Deformations occur in the content of the mind. Deformations are possible in the structure of the mind and its organization. A negative attribute of intelligence is rigidity of thinking - flexibility, bias towards phenomenon, exaggeration of sensory impressions, adherence to stereotypes.

Hence intelligence,, inference, planning, problem solving, abstract thinking, understanding complex ideas, rapid learning and it is a very general mental ability that includes skills to learn from experiences. These are not just reading books, limited academic knowledge, or skills required to take exams. Rather, intelligence reflects a broader and deeper ability to know the world around it, to understand the essence of things, and to understand what to do in a given situation.
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