What is Cyber ​​Intelligence

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19 Tem 2011
What is cyber intelligence?

Data breaches in recent years are quite high. Therefore, it is difficult to deal with cyber attacks. Cyber ​​intelligence units come into play at this point. In case the related institutions cannot resist cyber attacks, the highest levels of the institutions that come into play are defined as cyber intelligence units. You can read the rest of our article to learn what cyber intelligence is and to learn about its objectives.​


What is cyber intelligence?

Cyber ​​intelligence needed in the field of information technologies; is a team created to detect cyber threats and attacks. After detecting threats, necessary interventions are made and attacks are prevented and eliminated. Thanks to the teams that are established to prevent cyber attacks mostly on official pages, all threats are blocked before the attacks even begin.

What are the benefits of cyber ​​intelligence?​

Thanks to the benefits of cyber ​​intelligence, very effective solutions are produced. Read the advantages of the data:

• Firstly, it is a mechanism for obtaining information. Because; Thanks to the studies carried out, information is provided about the threats that may come.
• Solutions are generated against cyber attacks that may occur on pages.
• Reports are prepared for cyber attacks. Thanks to the reports prepared, the data obtained are increasing and advance planning and necessary actions are taken for possible attacks.
• It helps to develop solutions for attack types such as APT, 0-day, exploit, which can come to the pages of institutions.
• Only solutions for the above threats are not produced. These attacks can come from outside. However, there are organizations that sometimes encounter attacks from within the system. Finding solutions for these situations is also among the benefits of cyber intelligence.

What are the purposes of cyber ​​intelligence?

Cyber ​​intelligence emerges as a mechanism that goes into defense in the attacks that institutions or organizations in a country can receive both from inside and outside. The objectives of the unit are:

• Learns the aims of the attackers of cyber attacks against certain institutions or organizations.
• Learns which methods and methods are used to organize which cyber attacks to the institutions.
• Finally, the motivations of the analyzed cyber attackers are prepared in a report.

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