What is DDoS?


İhbar Hattı Sorumlusu
18 Tem 2016
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
What is DDoS?

DDoS, which is called "Distrubuted Denial of Service", is the distributed denial of service / blocking system used by white hat hackers and black hat hackers, which is not dropped and explained by experts in many cyber security fields. To give the best example of DDoS attack; You went to a bakery, and you bought a pita from the oven.


Purpose of their Attack

Don't damage the systems.

For political reasons.

For commercial reasons.

Web sites not working.

E-mail systems not working.

Telephone systems not working.

Game Servers not working.

Computer systems do not work as disabled.

To make boredom / weather.


DDoS Attack Types

HTTP Flood

SYN Flood

LAN Flood

UDP Flood

ICMP Flood

HTTP Flood

It forces the servers we use to use the most resources by setting them on POST or HHTP GET requests and sending these configured packets to the destination.

SYN Flood

During the three-way handshake, the target SYN + ACK sends the message type SYN message. It waits for the message called ACK that agreed. Since the SYN sent by the attacker comes from a fake IP address, the target will not be able to receive the ACK message. In this way, a vicious circle is created and the target system crashes.

LAN Flood

It basically resembles a SYN Flood attack. In this type of attack, the attacker uses the target party's IP address. As a result, the target itself starts sending SYN packets. This repeats in a vicious circle and the target system crashes.

UDP Flood

This Protekol does not have a hand-squeeze, which we call 3-way. For this reason, a more rapid attack is taking place. The attacker sends random data / packets targeting udp protocols. The system crashes as the target receiving these packets becomes unresponsive.

ICMP Flood

ICMP Flood attack, called Internet Control Message Protocol, sends an ICMP Echo Request, or Echo request, from many different points. The target party sends an Echo reply to these requests. This becomes a vicious circle and the system crashes.


Have a nice day

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