What is Psychological Warfare?

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19 Tem 2011
What is Psychological Warfare?

It's an method of war through psychology.

How to Use Psychological Warfare?

It's all about editing and planning depend on situations or events.


Why Does Psychological Warfare Happen?

To create psychological pressure to the target, bring the target under control, use the target in his favour, or just to manage the target.


Where Does Psychological Warfare Happen?

Psychological warfare can be in cyber world too, just like in real world. For example, according to some theories in the real world, it is thought that the Covid-19 virus, that we all know and shakes the world, has occurred in order to create chaos in the society, cause confusion and similar events and reach its targets in this environment. Some of the struggles of some institutions and organizations for the cyber world while trying to prevent cyber-terrorism are examples.


When Does Psychological Warfare Happen?

Whenever one of the above reasons is necessary for someone.

Who Does Psychological Warfare?

Attack and defence weapons of psychological warfare are propaganda, education, and provocation. And the ammos are informations shaped expression, article, image, brochure, social media, and e-mail. The purpose of this kind of war is to convince and change people. And the method is to brainwash. So, the target is human brain. To manage and dominate human brain. This can be done by any group, team, official or private institutions, organizations or countries; to the target group, society, institutions, organizations or countries.


Types of Psychological Warfare


Nearly all of us go through with it but most of us don't even realise it. It's used for the purposes of increasing the anger of the people and societies, revolting the society, and similar purposes by infiltrating the society in such events that are experienced, shared, including the events shown in places such as social media, newspapers, radio, magazines, and television. It often affects unhappy, untrained, poor groups.

For Administrative Purposes

It's used for the purposes of running somewhere, or taking over the management. The majority starts to be ruled by gaining the sympathy of the majority in the determined place and area. So, the person achieves his goal.


It is used for purposes such as accepting and not protesting the current situation of the public, the society or the target audience. Methods such as reassuring the target audience and keeping them calm can be used.


The exact purpose of this type is to bring target and audience to their knees. They try to break the resistance of opponents.


It can be used against every kind of group or person. The general purpose of this type is to identify the weakness of opponents. This and other kind of psychological warfare generally requires public trust. Fot public trust, they use provocation type of psychological warfare.

Original: https://www.turkhackteam.org/sosyal-muhendislik/1900896-psikolojik-harp-nedir.html
Translator: R4V3N
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