What Is Worm Virus


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
What Is Worm Virus:

The worm is a type of malware that copies itself and spreads to other computers. Viruses can spread rapidly by the Internet and computer networks, as each sequent copy of the network worm can so multiply itself.


As an example, we can start from the Eba boards, you know the Eba smart boards are formatted with ready setup Flash Disks as every year. One of the general reasons for these are that students wear a Flash Disk to the board, 'cause from the main reasons like the application transfer to the board, we count in the Worm Virus into the system without knowing it, or if there is in the system, we copy the virus without our information. (It is leaking to Flash Disks). When we wear Flash Disk to different smart boards, etc. systems, Worm has previously leaked the system and reasons make it difficult for the system and its users, so reasons to material and intangible threats.

Worm Virus And It's Threats:

Worm pest, Turkish provisions are 'Worm', is a computer pest that controls the Internet network and uses data traffic for malicious purposes. This malware, prepared by malicious people redirects the infected computer to the URL OR Ip address it wants 'in the background'.


What Reasons URL Redirection&Control Of Our Control?

-It Can Access Our IP Address From IP Log Sites With Redirects!. (What's IpLogger?)
-It Can Steal The Credit & Bank Account Information!
-It Has Completely Access To Our Modem!
-It Can Access Our Saved Passwords!
-It Can Steal Our Accounts On All Social Media With Stolen Passwords!


How Do We Get Rid Of The Worm Virus?

-You might install a virus Malicious Software Removal Tool on your computer and update it at short intervals.
-You might have a Virus program to run on MS-DOS so use it when windows is thrilled with viruses not running.
-You might ignore that a virus that is identified by your virus removal program can enter your computer.
-You absolutely have a floppy disk and do not enable the recording property of the floppy disk.
-When turning your computer on and off, be careful not to have any floppy disks in the drive
-You might try to make backups of your important files (system files, important personal files, files... etc).
-You might do not open e-mails you suspect from people you don't know and scan them for viruses.
-You might do not run programs on diskettes as you buy from others without scanning the files for viruses.
-You might do not download programs from unrecognized Internet sites as do not have a security certificate.
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