Where to Learn Python | Coursera


Asistan Moderatör
28 Mar 2020

You might be wondering where to learn Python. Everyone would prefer learning a programming language from professionals. Am I Right? Coursera got you covered about that situation.

Coursera is a online course platform that most of the biggest companies publishes courses.

~ What's Coursera ~

Shortly; Coursera is a online course platform. Most of the well-known companies or universities publishes courses in there. (Eg: Google, Oxford)

When you finish a course, you'll get a free certificate. Which is perfect a perfect thing :D

~ Is it Free? ~

Coursera is both free and paid. You can request a financial aid. If your Financial aid gets accepted, you can have a free certificate and participation to the course.

~ How to Apply for a Financial Aid? ~

To apply for Financial aid, follow the images that stated above.

Go to the course that you want to participate. I'll choose a Python course that published by Michigan University.



CLICK AT THE TEXT IN THE RED CIRCLE. If you click "Enroll For Free" you'll lose the opportunity to get the financial aid. But please, if you can purchase the course, purchase it. Don't get it for free. You might block someone that really needs it and can't purchase it.

When you clicked at the text in red circle, you'll get a popup. Click at "Continue to Application"




When you click "Continue to Application" you'll be redirected to a page that looks like this;



Fill these things and click "Continue".

You will asked to fill more things now :mahcup
When you fill everything CORRECTLY and send it, your application will be under review. You will get a reply after 15 days.

If your application is accepted, all you have to do is going to your profile page from Coursera and start watching the videos, completing quizzes :D

~ Can I Apply For More Than One Financial Aid? ~

Yes, you can. But there's a deadline in every course, you need to finish your course before the deadline. If you don't, you can no longer access the course.

~ Summary/Conclusion ~

As my experience, Coursera is one of the best paid/free course platform that ever happened. It has the most well-known Universities and Companies. It has a community forum that you can ask ANYTHING. It has most of the sectors in it. Want to learn Cryptography? Go to Coursera. Want to learn Human Psychology? Go to coursera :)

(I know, it's a short topic. If have any questions in your mind, please let me know in the comments.)


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