Convert Your Android Phone to Hacking Device Without Root


Moderasyon Tim Lideri
7 Tem 2013
Convert Your Android Phone to Hacking Device Without Root




An android phone can be turned into a hidden hacking device that can run tools like nmap, nikto and netcat without rooting the device.

UserLAnd (created by UserLAnd Technologies) is a completely free Android application that enables fast and effortless installation of Linux distributions without any rooting process. It is possible to run an ARM64 (Debian) besides the current Android operating system.


It is the same as used by (Kali Linux) Raspberry Pi ARM images which makes it easy to import Kali's toolbox. The UserLAnd recently added a special Kali file system, so it will not be necessary for all users.



All created files can be sent easily. Although many Kali tools run properly, UserLAnd is still a new project and some commands (like nmap) can create trouble. It is worth mentioning that these problems will most likely be resolved in the near future.


UserLAnd uses special scripts that allow it to create the Debian and Ubuntu file systems. For example, PRoot allows you to run programs without root. Normally the user area application communicates directly with the Kernel via systems calls. UserLAnd and PRoot runs in the background and interprets these system calls.



We will start by installing an SSH client that will be the primary application for interacting with the Debian. And I will review some installation tips and import the Kali Linux repository to really turn Android into a hacker phone. As you probably know, Kali Linux is based on the Debian. So, importing the repositories doesn't cause anything to fail and become unreliable.

How to Install the ConnectBot App


This isn't necessary as UserLAnd recently added a built-in SSH function. However, if third-party SSH clients are preferred, they can still be used.

ConnectBot is an open source SSH client designed for Android smartphones that allows you to securely connect to SSH servers. This will be the primary way to interact. You can access the ConnectBot with F-Droid repository if you aren't using Google Play. JuiceSSH is a great option to use instead of ConnectBot. ConnectBot is more regularly updated and easier for beginners.

How to Install the UserLAnd App




Create a New File System

When the installation is complete, open the UserLAnd app and go to the Applicatons section and ******* it. Wait a few minutes for the distributions to be filled.



Kali Linux was recently added to the list of available distributions. UserLAnd requests the credentials when you choose Kali or Debian. So you should create a username, password and VNC password. Password will allow access to the SSH server when the file system installed. We will not use the VNC Password in this tutorial but it is important to continue the installation.

UserLAnd will download the necessary files and scripts from the GitHub repository to create the file systems. This process may take up to 20 minutes.



UserLAnd gave me the "file system could not be removed" error in my first attempt. I reinstall it to solve the problem.



Interacting with the File System

When the installation is complete, go to the "Sessions" section and select the newly created option. UserLAnd automatically opens ConnectBot and "Are you sure you want to continue connecting?" select "Yes" and enter the password.



At this point, synchronizing a bluetooth keyboard with the phone will make it easier to set up the operating system. If you aren't using the bluetooth keyboard, you should install the hacker keyboard from the play store.



Update the Operating System

The first thing to do after installing a new operating system on your android phone is to make sure that the system is completely up to date.

You can do it with apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade command




Install Basic Software

This new file system is extremely limited and doesn't contain much software by default. I mentioned a few recommended packages for daily Debian and Kali users. Some packages aren't required, but will make it easy to follow in future articles where android will be used as the primary hacking device.

screen - The screen is a terminal that allows users to switch between several terminal sessions at the same time. It is very important package. Android phones don't handle long-term SSH sessions well (tends to break the connections for no apparent reason)

net-tools is a package that includes ifconfig, netstat, route and other useful network applications.

netcat - is a computer networking utility for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP or UDP. The command is designed to be a dependable back-end that can be used directly or easily driven by other programs and scripts.

Neofetch - Neofetch allows you to do so using colorful and fun ascii operating system logos along with information about your system that you can then share as an image. Neofetch describes itself as a " A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+" and is easier to use on Linux variants, but can also be used on macOS and Windows after installing some additional components.



gnupg - gnupg is often used to encrypt files and secure e-mail communication and you can use it to get software signing keys. You can install ****sploit manually without gpg but it will make the process less complicated.

cURL - curl is a computer software project providing a library (libcurl) and command-line tool (curl) for transferring data using various network protocols.

wget - wget is a computer program that retrieves content from web servers. It is part of the GNU Project. Its name derives from World Wide Web and get. It supports downloading via HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.

git - git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.

nano - nano is a text editor for Unix-like computing systems or operating environments using a command line interface. It emulates the Pico text editor, part of the Pine email client, and also provides additional functionality.



Importing Kali Linux Repository

If you installed Kali OS in step 3, you can skip this step. It isn't mandatory for Debian users to transfer the Kali repository to your distribution. However, you will be able to quickly install applications such as sqlmap, commix, bettercap, nikto, dnsmap and hundreds of packages that aren't available in Debian's default repositories.

To start Kali's repository, use nano to add Kali's repository to the /etc/apt/sources.list file.

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add this command

deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free

then use control + x to exit. ConnectBot has on-screen buttons like control and shift. Alternatively, a bluetooth keyboard or hacker's keyboard app would be useful to exit the nano terminal.



Translator dRose98

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