Get Android Paid Apps for free

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19 Tem 2011
Most people know but today I will tell you to download free games for android phones. Normally I was using iPhone 4S but now I bought galaxy s 3 and when using iPhone 4S I can download it for free while there is jailbreak in the app store. When I switched to Android, I couldn't download paid games on google play store. I researched and found some, and now I will tell you. Also, there is no chance to damage your phone. I currently download all the games on my phone for free, there is still nothing. I do not recommend downloading from Turkish sites.

1- Now let's decide on our game at first. For example, our game name is "Asphalt 7: Heat". This game is normally $ 0.99 in google play store but we will download it for free now.

2- We go to Google and enter "Asphalt 7: Heat apk download" in the search section and,

Clicking on "Download Now" is coming down (usually choose your games from apkmania is a reliable site.)

(Not every game may run 100% on some phones. Asphalt for example. Then there is no cure, try another game.)

3- When the game is finished, we press Setup on our phone and it is being installed.

If you have security on your phone, i only know how to do it on Galaxy S3, but you will find it with little tampering.
Click on the settings in the text that come directly to the security section. Scroll down to the Device management section, there are "Unknown Sources". tap the check mark once. Click reload from the downloads section, this time it will work.

Translator: Secret Person
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