What is Blockchain Developer? What Does It Do? What are the monthly earnings?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
Table of contents:

・What is Blockchain?
・Blockchain Developer
・How to Become a Blockchain Developer
・The Importance of Blockchain
・Fundamentals of Blockchain
・Records that cannot be changed
・What is a Digital ID
・Smart Contract
・What are the Advantages of Blockchain
・What Programming Languages Do Blockchain Developers Use?
・How Much Money Do Blockchain Developers Make?


Blockchain (blockchain) is an ever-growing list of records called blocks that are connected and secured using cryptography. Assets can be tangible (house, car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks). Almost anything with value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, which reduces risk and reduces all business-related costs.


Blockchain Developer:

Every cryptocurrency today is built on distributed ledger technology (aka Distributed Ledger Technology – DLT), and blockchain is the most popular of these. The people who create blockchains are also called blockchain developers. Do you want to know what blockchain is and how to become a blockchain developer? Of course you will!

Everything you need to become a blockchain developer is available on the internet for free. Blockchain is open source.


How to Become a Blockchain Developer?

1- Get your academic education.
2- Master the necessary technical skills.
3- Understand the basics of blockchain

Importance of Blockchain:

Work is done through knowledge. The faster and more accurate the information received, the better. Blockchain is ideal for delivering information as it provides instant, shared, and fully transparent information stored in an immutable ledger that can only be accessed by authorized network members. A blockchain network connection can track orders, accounts, payments, production, or more. You can see all the details of an agreement from start to finish, as members share a single view of the truth; it gives you more confidence and new efficiencies and opportunities.


Key Elements of Blockhain Include:

Distributed Ledger Technology:

All network participants have access to the distributed ledger and immutable transaction records. With this shared ledger, transactions are recorded only once, eliminating the duplication of the same transactions that are common in traditional business networks.

Records that cannot be changed:

Once a transaction is recorded in the shared ledger, it cannot be altered or falsified by any participant. If the log contains errors, a new process must be added to reverse the error, and both processes will be visible.


What is a Digital ID?

In a decentralized and security-focused technology such as blockchain, a "digital identity" approach has emerged for sharing and storing verified identity data. When you want to become a bank customer today, you will have to sign a bunch of paperwork after going through a series of verification steps. If you want to open an account in another bank after creating your registration, you will have to do all these things again. Thanks to digital identity methods, when your identity data is verified on the network created by the bank, it can be shared with other stakeholders, so you do not have to go through the same process again. Verification of digital identity data can be used in many different areas, from banks to mobile operators, from internet providers to government offices.


Smart Contract:

In order to make transactions quickly, a series of rules called smart contracts are stored on the automatically implemented blockchain. Smart contracts can define the terms of the transfer of corporate bonds, the conditions under which travel insurance will be paid, etc.

What are the Advantages of Blockchain?

What Needs to Be Replaced:

Operations teams often focus on duplicate record-keeping and third-party verification. Record-keeping systems can be vulnerable to fraud and cyberattacks. Limited transparency slows down data validation. Also, with the advent of the Internet of Things, there has been a huge explosion in transaction volume. All of this slows down business, reduces profitability, and means we need a better approach. That's where blockchain comes in.


What Programming Languages Do Blockchain Developers Use?

Blockchain development can work with different programming languages. However, the most popular languages used are Python, JavaScript, Java, and C++. More current versions such as Simplicith, Solidity, and CX are also useful options.
The most popular languages are C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python.

How Much Money Do Blockhain Developers Make?

Blockchain has revolutionized the way humanity processes information. Satoshi Nakamoto, who invented blockchain in 2009, became the first blockchain software developer in history. Nakamoto still owns about 1 million Bitcoins that he has never used. In short, Satoshi, who has never worked for a company, has no boss and writes code, has earned about $ 50 billion in 12 years. Of course, only today, you can earn more in the future. Coinecko lists nearly 10,000 blockchain projects, including exchanges, in the area of cryptocurrencies alone. Of course, these projects require a blockchain programmer.


Some of these organizations always hire 10 blockchain developers. There are also thousands of blockchain projects that do not have their own non-monetary cryptocurrency. They are managed by private companies that need to keep up with innovations, or by governments, which save huge costs by digitizing licensing agencies such as notaries and land registry. According to a January 2020 article by Bruce M. Henderson, the most demanded skill for LinkedIn companies is blockchain. Bitcoin's price at the time, like Tesla's, was only $910,000. The company has not yet announced that it has received Bitcoin. Demand today must have increased exponentially compared to a year ago.

According to CryptoParrot data published in Zawya on September 1, blockchain-related job listings increased by 8 percent last year. 0 of these posts searched for blockchain software developers. It is clear that the demand for blockchain software is very strong. So how much revenue can blockchain software developers earn? Laura M is in Bit Degree in early 2021. According to an article published under his signature, startups, private companies and governments are demanding blockchain software developers.


Startups may not pay the initial cost to the blockchain developer. They place excessive responsibility on software developers. On the other hand, they have a freer working environment. Startups don't pay the best salaries either. The average annual salary for a novice blockchain software developer is about $50,000. With more than 5 years of experience, salaries can go up to $70,000. In other words, startups can earn between 34,000 and 48,000 TL per month.

Depending on the country, the rates listed in the state may be lower than the initial rates. Governments often try to close this gap with other government options. Classics and tech companies offer the highest fees in the industry. The starting salary can be as high as $7080,000 per year. With at least 5 years of experience, this level goes up to $ 100,120,000. Therefore, the monthly income of a company varies between 48,000 TL and 83,000 TL. The country or city where you work can also lead to large pay differences. For example, according to an article by Jennifer Shalamanov published in Udacity on June 7, 2021, blockchain software developers, He can make $171,000 a year in Berkeley, California, $172,000 in Boston, and $180,000 in New York. Blockchain developers can earn up to $203,000 in annual salary, depending on their experience and field of work. This is over 140,000 TL per month. Of course, these fees usually apply abroad. However, many programmers can also work remotely. The resulting visuals show that there is a very serious demand in the field of blockchain software development, but there are not yet enough software developers worldwide. In this case, it is useful for young people to seriously consider blockchain software when choosing a career.



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Subject Author: @yusfrain
Subject: https://www.turkhackteam.org/konula...e-is-yapar-aylik-kazanclari-nelerdir.2011139/


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