What is WHM? Detailed Explanation


Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021

What is WHM? Detailed Explanation

Whm is the Host control panel that allows you to manage a site with multiple cPanels, which stands for Web Host Manager.

Why would a Web Host Manager user prefer WHM?
Since each site has a separate control panel, we can say that it provides high security against hacking operations. You can track website activity for the sites you own.It also helps you easily switch between cPanel panels, create a separate traffic schedule for each site and keep track of it easily.With reseller hosting, you can create multiple cPanels belonging to Hostingize and convert it into a gain or give it to someone else.

What can be done with Web Host Manager?


It allows you to create multiple cPanel accounts and allows you to set a default page for each panel.


To complete this process, let's enter Account Functions through the Web Host Manager panel.Once in this unit, you will need to enter information about your domain in front of you, adjust the required Dns settings, and fill in your mailing information so that you can receive the information by mail. After completing these operations, click create a new account module.

It allows you to keep track of the traffic and all activities on your water.For example, if you don't want to be a
Thanks to Process Manager, there is a unit that records all the processes that are working on the server, that is, keeps a log record.
With the Service Manager module, the activities of the person who owns the account and the operations that take place in the background can be ensured. Current Disk Usage (provides information about the disk space we are using with the existing Disk Usage module and the remaining disk space,and even the amount of disk used if we go further.

As the owner of Web Host Manager, it's up to you how you use your disk.You can split your found disk space for different hosting packages oreven sell them.


Thanks to the plugin cPHulk, it will close access and protect all domains that belong to you for hackers who try to gain unauthorized access to your site.

You may want to protect your site from hacking.That's why Web Host Manager has also introduced file backup and restore. With a remote link to your site, you can use Google Drive, WebDAV, etc.you can create connections with trusted storage and back up your data already available here.

Source : WHM Nedir? // Detaylı Anlatım
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:

'The Wolf

Kıdemli Üye
22 Nis 2021
Tanrı dağı

What is WHM? Detailed Description

Whm is the Host control panel that allows you to manage a site with multiple cPanels, which stands for Web Host Manager.

Why would a Web Host Manager user prefer WHM?
Since each site has a separate control panel, we can say that it provides high security against hacking operations. You can track website activity for the sites you own.It also helps you easily switch between cPanel panels, create a separate traffic schedule for each site and keep track of it easily.With reseller hosting, you can create multiple cPanels belonging to Hostingize and convert it into a gain or give it to someone else.

What can be done with Web Host Manager?


It allows you to create multiple cPanel accounts and allows you to set a default page for each panel.


To complete this process, let's enter Account Functions through the Web Host Manager panel.Once in this unit, you will need to enter information about your domain in front of you, adjust the required Dns settings, and fill in your mailing information so that you can receive the information by mail. After completing these operations, click create a new account module.

It allows you to keep track of the traffic and all activities on your water.For example, if you don't want to be a
Thanks to Process Manager, there is a unit that records all the processes that are working on the server, that is, keeps a log record.
With the Service Manager module, the activities of the person who owns the account and the operations that take place in the background can be ensured. Current Disk Usage (provides information about the disk space we are using with the existing Disk Usage module and the remaining disk space,and even the amount of disk used if we go further.

As the owner of Web Host Manager, it's up to you how you use your disk.You can split your found disk space for different hosting packages oreven sell them.


Thanks to the plugin cPHulk, it will close access and protect all domains that belong to you for hackers who try to gain unauthorized access to your site.

You may want to protect your site from hacking.That's why Web Host Manager has also introduced file backup and restore. With a remote link to your site, you can use Google Drive, WebDAV, etc.you can create connections with trusted storage and back up your data already available here.

Source : WHM Nedir? // Detaylı Anlatım
Nice Topic..


Kıdemli Üye
25 Haz 2021
Konya Ovası Askeri Tesislerinde

What is WHM? Detailed Description

Whm is the Host control panel that allows you to manage a site with multiple cPanels, which stands for Web Host Manager.

Why would a Web Host Manager user prefer WHM?
Since each site has a separate control panel, we can say that it provides high security against hacking operations. You can track website activity for the sites you own.It also helps you easily switch between cPanel panels, create a separate traffic schedule for each site and keep track of it easily.With reseller hosting, you can create multiple cPanels belonging to Hostingize and convert it into a gain or give it to someone else.

What can be done with Web Host Manager?


It allows you to create multiple cPanel accounts and allows you to set a default page for each panel.


To complete this process, let's enter Account Functions through the Web Host Manager panel.Once in this unit, you will need to enter information about your domain in front of you, adjust the required Dns settings, and fill in your mailing information so that you can receive the information by mail. After completing these operations, click create a new account module.

It allows you to keep track of the traffic and all activities on your water.For example, if you don't want to be a
Thanks to Process Manager, there is a unit that records all the processes that are working on the server, that is, keeps a log record.
With the Service Manager module, the activities of the person who owns the account and the operations that take place in the background can be ensured. Current Disk Usage (provides information about the disk space we are using with the existing Disk Usage module and the remaining disk space,and even the amount of disk used if we go further.

As the owner of Web Host Manager, it's up to you how you use your disk.You can split your found disk space for different hosting packages oreven sell them.


Thanks to the plugin cPHulk, it will close access and protect all domains that belong to you for hackers who try to gain unauthorized access to your site.

You may want to protect your site from hacking.That's why Web Host Manager has also introduced file backup and restore. With a remote link to your site, you can use Google Drive, WebDAV, etc.you can create connections with trusted storage and back up your data already available here.

Source : WHM Nedir? // Detaylı Anlatım
İngilzcem sıfırdır 😅

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