

Katılımcı Üye
29 Şub 2020

What is Docker?

If you ask me what is Docker, I will explain it to you in one sentence: "open source container technology." I'll point it out to you. Docker is a software that virtualizes its containers through a single operating system. We owe it to Docker for the easy setup and testing of our web applications. In addition to these conveniences, it is a software that helps us a lot financially. It reduces the server's cost as much as possible. Now, when we are going to learn the working logic of Docker, we need to know certain terms. One of them is Daemon. Daemon is an English word meaning devil. The term in computer science is a background program or daemon.

What is Docker Daemon?

This Docker's partition is called the part that controls the parts of the operating system such as Cpu, Ram and where these things happen.

What is Docker Container?

It is the name given by the Docker Daemon to some processes in the kernel of operating systems such as Linux or Unix.

What is Docker Image?

Containers consist of the image's layout. Docker Image is the image file of applications or OSes that need to be installed and run in containers.

What is Docker Compose?

Compose is software for defining and running multi-container docker applications. You can control your application with Compose.

Advantages of Docker

1) Docker is quite fast because the container inside is just a simple process.
2) Docker's fast storage feature is probably one of the rare features that makes docker docker.
3) Resource consumption is quite good compared to virtual machines. It both reduces the cost of the server and increases its quality.
4) It is a plus that it can run on different operating systems.
5) It can work seamlessly in companies that provide tool and cloud services such as AWS, Azure, Kubernetes, Hetzner.
6) When it comes to Deployment Efficiency, I can say that Docker does not know any competitors. In addition, it is a very nice and useful feature that you can keep dockefiles held in Containers and Images on git.


Have a nice day


Uzman üye
15 May 2021
En el universo

What is Docker?

If you ask me what is Docker, I will explain it to you in one sentence: "open source container technology." I'll point it out to you. Docker is a software that virtualizes its containers through a single operating system. We owe it to Docker for the easy setup and testing of our web applications. In addition to these conveniences, it is a software that helps us a lot financially. It reduces the server's cost as much as possible. Now, when we are going to learn the working logic of Docker, we need to know certain terms. One of them is Daemon. Daemon is an English word meaning devil. The term in computer science is a background program or daemon.

What is Docker Daemon?

This Docker's partition is called the part that controls the parts of the operating system such as Cpu, Ram and where these things happen.

What is Docker Container?

It is the name given by the Docker Daemon to some processes in the kernel of operating systems such as Linux or Unix.

What is Docker Image?

Containers consist of the image's layout. Docker Image is the image file of applications or OSes that need to be installed and run in containers.

What is Docker Compose?

Compose is software for defining and running multi-container docker applications. You can control your application with Compose.

Advantages of Docker

1) Docker is quite fast because the container inside is just a simple process.
2) Docker's fast storage feature is probably one of the rare features that makes docker docker.
3) Resource consumption is quite good compared to virtual machines. It both reduces the cost of the server and increases its quality.
4) It is a plus that it can run on different operating systems.
5) It can work seamlessly in companies that provide tool and cloud services such as AWS, Azure, Kubernetes, Hetzner.
6) When it comes to Deployment Efficiency, I can say that Docker does not know any competitors. In addition, it is a very nice and useful feature that you can keep dockefiles held in Containers and Images on git.


Have a nice day
Good topic
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