OSINT : Collecting information from usernames and accounts


20 Haz 2021
Front-End-Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa


Hi, I'm kaliroot from the OSINT club, in this location I'll tell you how to collect information from usernames and accounts, I'll share it chapter by chapter, because the topic will be long, we'll see namechk on this topic, let's get started
-Pleasant Readings-

OSINT (Open Source Intelligence Report) means collecting information using open sources on the Internet without performing any active scanning

When doing OSINT (Open source discovery), there are some sites that can be used web-based for the accounts we are trying to collect information about. There are also many applications that provide convenience for Linux users during this process, but in this article we will look at which ones can be used only on web pages


If we have a username that we want to collect information about, this is one of the first sites we can look at to collect information about the user and examine which accounts they are used on
The main purpose of the Web Page is to determine whether the username or url you want to use is available on social networks and websites, but contact us at the enumeration stage
it can be useful because it provides information from many sources at once.

You can also use this web page/pages to open and check for forgotten accounts.


Let's say the username we want to investigate is "turkhackteam". When we perform a search for this name, the following result comes up Dec

The green ones show the idle accounts and the red ones show the accounts that have been received.
Facebook, Twitter,Youtube, Twitch, etc., created with the username "turkhackteam". we can see that many accounts are open. We can look at all of these accounts and collect information to find out more about the user.

As I mentioned above, it is a nice site to review the accounts that you have opened and forgotten on your own behalf and see what someone who wants to collect information about you can access
-Thank you for reading more will come-


Translation: @Alexxb
subject owner: @kaliroot
the original topic: https://www.turkhackteam.org/konular/osint-kullanici-adi-ve-hesaplardan-bilgi-toplama.2017809/


Katılımcı Üye
15 May 2016


Hi, I'm kaliroot from the OSINT club, in this location I'll tell you how to collect information from usernames and accounts, I'll share it chapter by chapter, because the topic will be long, we'll see namechk on this topic, let's get started
-Pleasant Readings-

OSINT (Open Source Intelligence Report) means collecting information using open sources on the Internet without performing any active scanning

When doing OSINT (Open source discovery), there are some sites that can be used web-based for the accounts we are trying to collect information about. There are also many applications that provide convenience for Linux users during this process, but in this article we will look at which ones can be used only on web pages


If we have a username that we want to collect information about, this is one of the first sites we can look at to collect information about the user and examine which accounts they are used on
The main purpose of the Web Page is to determine whether the username or url you want to use is available on social networks and websites, but contact us at the enumeration stage
it can be useful because it provides information from many sources at once.

You can also use this web page/pages to open and check for forgotten accounts.


Let's say the username we want to investigate is "turkhackteam". When we perform a search for this name, the following result comes up Dec

The green ones show the idle accounts and the red ones show the accounts that have been received.
Facebook, Twitter,Youtube, Twitch, etc., created with the username "turkhackteam". we can see that many accounts are open. We can look at all of these accounts and collect information to find out more about the user.

As I mentioned above, it is a nice site to review the accounts that you have opened and forgotten on your own behalf and see what someone who wants to collect information about you can access
-Thank you for reading more will come-


Translation: @Alexxb
subject owner: @kaliroot
the original topic: https://www.turkhackteam.org/konular/osint-kullanici-adi-ve-hesaplardan-bilgi-toplama.2017809/
nice subject

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