What is MyBB? Why Should You Be Using It?

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19 Tem 2011

MyBB, formerly MyBBoard and originally MyBulletinBoard, is a free and open-source forum software developed by the MyBB Group. It is written in PHP, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite as database systems. Considered as a project by Chris Boulton, web34rk, b0ndman years ago. First of all, XMB and DevBB were created, this system is described as the first steps of Mybb. The team made various changes over time and worked with larger and more professional people. MyBB script was completed as a result of the developments on DevBB. Chris Boulton has never left the team since 2002.

Why MyBB?

It is a safer and more useful script. Vbulletin forum script administrators have made several charges against MyBB because it looks very similar. You know, Vbulletin isn't free. MyBB contains almost all of the features in Vbulletin and it is free. It has hundreds of interfaces, you can simply make useful and eye-catching interfaces. With the easy plugin installation system, you can do it whatever you want even If you don't have any knowledge about codes. MyBB is safe and many countries have MyBB's licence packages. So you can choose the language that you want. There are MyBB support teams that offer effective and fast solutions to your problems. MyBB is good at seo.. You should definitely choose MyBB

source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/diger-scriptler/816793-mybb-nedir-neden-mybb.html

Translator: dRose98
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