Why We Shouldn’t Use VPN While We’re Using TOR Browser


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
Tor Browser and VPNs

I Welcome you all to this short write-up about VPNs and Tor Browser
Today I’m going to talk about why we shouldn’t use VPN while we’re surfing on TOR Browser. If you’re ready, then let us begin.
Firstly I want to talk over “What is Tor Browser?”

What’s Tor?

Tor is free and open-source software for enabling anonymous communication to conceal a user's Iocation and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis. Using Tor makes it more difficult to trace Internet activity to the user: this includes "visits to Web sites, online posts, instant messages, and other communication forms". Tor's intended use is to protect the personal privacy of its users, as well as their freedom and ability to conduct confidential communication by keeping their Internet activities unmonitored.


(Tor Browser)

Why Do We Use Tor?

Honestly, I want to explain its usage directly: People use Tor, because it is the easiest and shortest way to enter to “Deep Web”. Obviously most of us know this already. Also Tor Browser does not save users’ logs and you are completely anonymous while using it. Thus it offers you what you cannot find while using other browsers: Privilage. Nevertheless, don’t forget that, even though you use tor, some people can still find you by your MAC address and through you IP logs. For example high level Policemen, governments or something like those.


(Deep Web)

Why Shouldn’t We Use VPN While Using Tor?

Well, actually when you’re on Tor, no one else can see what you’re doing. Tor uses high level security precautions so that you can call yourself as almost invisible. However if you start to use a VPN, it can see what you’re doing second by second. Of course every VPN saves your logs; even those paid ones do it. Yet some paid VPNs would never share your logs. I can recommend you to use NordVPN here. I’ve been using it for months and never regret it.


(Nord VPN)

Let’s get to the point, If you only use Tor Browser, as I mentioned it, no one can see what you are doing or on which site you are roving. But if you use a VPN and Tor Browser at the same time, then your VPN Hosting can see what you are up to. If you did something illegal, although Tor wouldn’t give your logs - surely, because it has no logs- but your VPN hosting would give your every single info.


Do not use any VPNs while surfing on Tor Browser, Deep Web. It will make you visible to those VPNs. Take care and I hope to see you again :)

Correct me if I wrote antthing wrong, please :)

(An annotation for my dear moderator friends, I wrote this whole article all by myself. Thanks.)

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor

Swedish Version: https://www.turkhackteam.org/international-forum/1943261-varfor-vi-inte-borde-anvaenda-vpn-medan-vi-anvaender-tor-browser.html#post9191725


Yeni üye
23 Nis 2020
honestly, i was thinking that if i use a VPN, the security can be stronger. now i understand that i was wrong. Thank you

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