Cyber Voice Asked! 'Adige Replied


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
Cyber Voice Asked! @'Adige replied

Within the scope of the "Cyber Voice" event on our Discord server, as the press media team, we conducted an audio interview with our software team director @'Adige. We share questions and answers for you, our non-participatory members.


1- What is the meaning of your username?
It used to start as 38Hacker. Baysal admin said we will make a nick change, and when the father's side was an Caucasian immigrant, we said let's do Adige. The meaning of Adige is Circassian. That's how we saw fit.

2- Why software?

The adventure of starting this software started as an inspiration to me that we had a friend in the 6-7th grade of primary school, who was very good at cyber security.

3- What is your story of meeting Turkish Hack Team?
If I remember correctly, the time of THT should be around 2012. That's how I was wandering, I have an interest in cybersecurity. We entered the platforms, when AYT was at its peak, I said to enter THT, I could not be active. I had a good presence in 2016. After I was in the first moderation, the press continued in the form of media, magazine, R&D.


4- What is your most difficult situation in management?
It was moderation time. It was difficult to find an original subject, it was difficult to look at the denunciations and so on. As it rose later, the responsibility began to increase even more.

5- What advice would you give to the software candidates?

There is such a situation as quitting immediately. They should not wear them, let them continue to advance to whatever their goals are. I started with the algorithm at first, and it makes more sense to determine which project it is from the web side and from the desktop side and continue as such.

6- Have you ever had a feeling of quitting when you failed?
So let me say that there was a purpose not to lie, I have a relative who does this job again. I didn't have the luxury of quitting because...

7- How have you improved yourself in these works?
We started with an inspiration and continued to move forward. I have an older brother's suggestion. "Whatever happens, research in English, not Turkish," I complied.

8- Was there anything you had difficulty with when you first started?
Crypter productions are the most challenging issues in these areas. It's a hijacking from the virus, and so on...


9- What is the project you are happy to have done so far?
We participated in a cybersecurity competition called Cyber Star. We made a degree in it, and they gave us a prize. It was our happiest moment and our first certification.

10- Can I be a programmer at a young age?

They say that the mind is not in age, but in the beginning, so age doesn't matter. Even if you're 10 years old, you should only have one goal.

Who else should we interview?



Translator: @ByFelez
Subject Author: @'ReDLiNe
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