At least 32 dead in Greece train collision.


Deneyimli Moderatör
29 Eki 2018


The death toll from a collision between a passenger and a cargo train in Elassona municipality in Greece has risen to 32, an official said on Wednesday.

At least 85 people were also injured, said Vassilis Vathrakogiannis, a representative of the Fire Service, at the fourth briefing, as reported by Greece’s public broadcaster ERT.

Of the injured, 25 are in critical condition, said Vathrakogiannis.

The passenger train was reportedly carrying 250 people and was on its way from Athens to Thessaloniki.

According to reports, several carriages came off the rails and at least three of them caught fire.

At least 30 ambulances were dispatched to the scene.

Search and rescue efforts remain underway at the crash site.


Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "We have learned with sorrow that many people lost their lives and were injured last night as a result of a train crash in our neighbor Greece. We extend our condolences to the relatives of those who lost their lives in this tragic accident as well as to the people and Government of Greece and wish a speedy recovery to the injured."

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