Differences Between Windows Hosting and Linux Hosting


Co Admin
21 Nis 2020


Hello Turk Hack Team Family, in this topic, I will talk about the Differences between Windows Hosting and Linux Hosting. I tried to prepare a good topic, I hope you all like it.


Differences Between Windows Hosting and Linux Hosting



ASP and PHP; They are programming languages ​​for creating web pages.


ASP; This means "Active Server Pages".
PHP; And this means "Hypertext Preprocessor".


Hosting websites created with ASP on servers running Windows Server operating system is called ASP Hosting or Windows Hosting.


Hosting websites created with PHP programming language on servers with Linux operating system is called PHP Hosting or Linux Hosting.


Windows or Linux?

You can take a look at the differences between these two hosting types to decide which one is best for your site:

The most important difference between Windows hosting and Linux hosting is the operating systems used by the servers. ASP; This works on servers with Windows operating system and PHP works on servers with Linux operating system.


The user interface differences for the two hosting types are quite obvious. Windows users who switch to Linux may be surprised when they first see the Linux command line, as the syntax and functions found in the Linux command line are unlike clicking the menus in Windows. Managing a Linux server is much more difficult. If you are looking for simplicity, you may need to choose Windows hosting packages.


Linux servers are considered more stable, because they rarely need to be restarted and you don't need to upgrade frequently.


One of the biggest benefits of using Linux hosting is its cost advantage. Since Linux hosting is open source, there are no license fees.


Windows servers appear to be more vulnerable even though Microsoft's best efforts in terms of security, as the dominance of the desktop market makes Windows devices the main target for online attacks by hackers.


One of the OS specific differences to consider is hardware and software compatibility. The density of Windows programs used in your organization may determine your Windows server selection.


Being a licensed and constantly updated operating system is also in the differences that make Windows hosting a good option.


System administrators familiarity with the operating system can mean less training and in-house support. In a crisis, having a Windows systems management team that can easily take on the task is a factor that should not be taken lightly for the continuity of the workflow.


The most common reason to seek hosting is usually to create a personal website, online sales site or blog. Linux hosting is the best solution for this type of user. Windows servers are often used in large corporate environments. They can also be used as a Sharepoint or Exchange server.


Linux hosting is also a good choice for experienced web developers who know how to configure an Apache or NGINX web server and use Perl, PHP or Python to develop with a MySQL database. Since these development tools have been used with Linux for a long time, they also have a large support infrastructure.


Linux hosting is usually managed by Cpanel and DirectAdmin, Windows hosting by Plesk. Although cPanel is very popular because it can keep both web applications and software packages up-to-date without interacting with the user, the recent price increase has turned the eyes to DirectAdmin, which is a more reasonable option.


Which One Should I Choose?


You can choose Linux Hosting for your own personal website and easily manage your site using cPanel or DirectAdmin. Also, if you intend to run complex and critical web applications, Linux hosting can of course be your choice.


If you aim to carry out corporate network communication, Internet/extranet hosting, databases, corporate-scale messaging and similar functions in the most efficient way, Windows Hosting will easily provide the solutions you are looking for in meeting the corporate needs of both small and large companies.


It should not be forgotten that considering the differences between Windows Hosting and Linux Hosting, your site's needs and goals, choosing the right hosting plan has a strong impact that can guarantee your success. If you wish, you can get help from our technical support team to clarify your decision.


I am waiting for your feedback and suggestions. They're important to me :))

My topic ends here, I thank you all for your time.
Sincerely, have a good day.. :mml //Contains quotations.

Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/hosting/1936865-windows-hosting-ve-linux-hosting-arasindaki-farklar.html
Translator: Dolyetyus


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