Dinamik Crosshair


Uzman üye
31 Ara 2015
@script ExecuteInEditMode() enum preset { none, shotgunPreset, crysisPreset } var crosshairPreset : preset = preset.none;   var showCrosshair : boolean = true; var verticalTexture : Texture; var horizontalTexture : Texture;   //Size of boxes var cLength : float = 10; var cWidth : float = 3;   //Spreed setup var minSpread : float = 45.0; var maxSpread : float = 250.0; var spreadPerSecond : float = 150.0;   //Rotation var rotAngle : float = 0.0; var rotSpeed : float = 0.0;   private var temp : Texture; private var spread : float;   function Update(){         //Used just for test (weapon script should change spread).         if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.K)) spread += spreadPerSecond * Time.deltaTime;         else spread -= spreadPerSecond * 2 * Time.deltaTime;                    //Rotation         rotAngle += rotSpeed * Time.deltaTime; }   function OnGUI(){         if(showCrosshair && verticalTexture && horizontalTexture){                 var verticalT = GUIStyle();                 var horizontalT = GUIStyle();                 verticalT.normal.background = verticalTexture;                 horizontalT.normal.background = horizontalTexture;                 spread = Mathf.Clamp(spread, minSpread, maxSpread);                 var pivot : Vector2 = Vector2(Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2);                                 if(crosshairPreset == preset.crysisPreset){                                                 GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - 2)/2, (Screen.height - spread)/2 - 14, 2, 14), temp, horizontalT);                         GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(45,pivot);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width + spread)/2, (Screen.height - 2)/2, 14, 2), temp, verticalT);                         GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(0,pivot);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - 2)/2, (Screen.height + spread)/2, 2, 14), temp, horizontalT);                 }                                 if(crosshairPreset == preset.shotgunPreset){                                         GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(45,pivot);                                                 //Horizontal                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - 14)/2, (Screen.height - spread)/2 - 3, 14, 3), temp, horizontalT);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - 14)/2, (Screen.height + spread)/2, 14, 3), temp, horizontalT);                         //Vertical                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - spread)/2 - 3, (Screen.height - 14)/2, 3, 14), temp, verticalT);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width + spread)/2, (Screen.height - 14)/2, 3, 14), temp, verticalT);                 }                                 if(crosshairPreset == preset.none){                                         GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(rotAngle%360,pivot);                                                 //Horizontal                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - cWidth)/2, (Screen.height - spread)/2 - cLength, cWidth, cLength), temp, horizontalT);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - cWidth)/2, (Screen.height + spread)/2, cWidth, cLength), temp, horizontalT);                         //Vertical                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - spread)/2 - cLength, (Screen.height - cWidth)/2, cLength, cWidth), temp, verticalT);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width + spread)/2, (Screen.height - cWidth)/2, cLength, cWidth), temp, verticalT);                 }         } }


11 Tem 2015
@script ExecuteInEditMode() enum preset { none, shotgunPreset, crysisPreset } var crosshairPreset : preset = preset.none;   var showCrosshair : boolean = true; var verticalTexture : Texture; var horizontalTexture : Texture;   //Size of boxes var cLength : float = 10; var cWidth : float = 3;   //Spreed setup var minSpread : float = 45.0; var maxSpread : float = 250.0; var spreadPerSecond : float = 150.0;   //Rotation var rotAngle : float = 0.0; var rotSpeed : float = 0.0;   private var temp : Texture; private var spread : float;   function Update(){         //Used just for test (weapon script should change spread).         if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.K)) spread += spreadPerSecond * Time.deltaTime;         else spread -= spreadPerSecond * 2 * Time.deltaTime;                    //Rotation         rotAngle += rotSpeed * Time.deltaTime; }   function OnGUI(){         if(showCrosshair && verticalTexture && horizontalTexture){                 var verticalT = GUIStyle();                 var horizontalT = GUIStyle();                 verticalT.normal.background = verticalTexture;                 horizontalT.normal.background = horizontalTexture;                 spread = Mathf.Clamp(spread, minSpread, maxSpread);                 var pivot : Vector2 = Vector2(Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2);                                 if(crosshairPreset == preset.crysisPreset){                                                 GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - 2)/2, (Screen.height - spread)/2 - 14, 2, 14), temp, horizontalT);                         GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(45,pivot);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width + spread)/2, (Screen.height - 2)/2, 14, 2), temp, verticalT);                         GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(0,pivot);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - 2)/2, (Screen.height + spread)/2, 2, 14), temp, horizontalT);                 }                                 if(crosshairPreset == preset.shotgunPreset){                                         GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(45,pivot);                                                 //Horizontal                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - 14)/2, (Screen.height - spread)/2 - 3, 14, 3), temp, horizontalT);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - 14)/2, (Screen.height + spread)/2, 14, 3), temp, horizontalT);                         //Vertical                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - spread)/2 - 3, (Screen.height - 14)/2, 3, 14), temp, verticalT);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width + spread)/2, (Screen.height - 14)/2, 3, 14), temp, verticalT);                 }                                 if(crosshairPreset == preset.none){                                         GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(rotAngle%360,pivot);                                                 //Horizontal                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - cWidth)/2, (Screen.height - spread)/2 - cLength, cWidth, cLength), temp, horizontalT);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - cWidth)/2, (Screen.height + spread)/2, cWidth, cLength), temp, horizontalT);                         //Vertical                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - spread)/2 - cLength, (Screen.height - cWidth)/2, cLength, cWidth), temp, verticalT);                         GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width + spread)/2, (Screen.height - cWidth)/2, cLength, cWidth), temp, verticalT);                 }         } }

Kod için teşekkürler birşey sormak istiyorum ben unity 4.6 kullanıyorum 4.6 da gui yok ui var fakat ui yi kodla oluşturmayı bulamadım bu konu hakkında bi bilginiz varmı veya bildiğiniz türkçe bir kaynak ?

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