Dinamik Sayfa


Uzman üye
4 Nis 2012
place this in your head

<script language="JavaScript">
// --------------------------------------------------
// Dynamic Page Script by Janwillem Borleffs
// mailto:[email protected]
// Website: http://www.jwbfoto.net/javascripts
// --------------------------------------------------
// Put this code in the HEAD-section of your ********
// --------------------------------------------------
// The stories are stored in this variable. Of course
// you can also store these values in an external
// script
Stories = new Array("",
"<font face='arial'><b>This is the first page</b><br>This is the intro of the first page<br>this is how to write images <img src='yourimage.gif'></font>",
"<b>This is the second page</b><br>This is the intro of the second page",
"<b>This is the third page</b><br>This is the intro of the third page");

place this in the body where you want the content to display.
<script language="JavaScript">
// --------------------------------------------------
// Dynamic Page Script by Janwillem Borleffs
// mailto:[email protected]
// Website: http://www.jwbfoto.net/javascripts
// --------------------------------------------------
// Put this code in the BODY-section of your ********
// --------------------------------------------------
// Put here the actual name of your ********
DOC = "yourpagename.html";
// Fill var temp with the URL to your ********
temp = ********.********;
// Convert this object to a string
stringUrl = temp.toString();
// Determine the position of the questionmark, add 1 and put it in 
var Index
Index = stringUrl.indexOf("?")+1;
// Make links to the stories. We'll start at 1 and skip the first (empty) entry
// of the array
for (i = 1; i< Stories.length; i++) {
// Write the link
********.write('<a href="'+DOC+'?'+i+'">Page '+i+'</a><br>');
// Determine which number is send with the URL after the questionmark
if(Index >= 1){	
Story = stringUrl.substring(Index,stringUrl.length);
		} else {
// Nothing send, so give Story a default value	
Story = 1;
// Write the story	

3-5 bişey ekledim :)


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