Everything About Server Control Panels

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19 Tem 2011

- What is server and what does it do?
- What is VPS and what does it do?
- What is hosting and what does it do?
- What is WHM and what does it do?
- What is cPanel?
- What is DirectAdmin?
- What is Plesk?


What is Server and What Does It Do?

The first thing comes to mind about server may be computers full of rooms. We can say that it's not wrong but a lil bit missing. Servers are hardware and software machines that allow us to store data over internet and make our personal or corporate purposes happen by working with the network. Thanks to servers we can ddos attack to any target or open a hosting website and go into business.


What is VPS and What Does It Do?

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. A VPS is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. It's commonly used in order to file transfer or open hosting website because VPS has very fast download and upload speed. And also it has very much RAM so i can say it's not gonna let you down.


What is Hosting and What Does It Do?

This is a term that everyone who wants to open a website must see this. This is a required term between website and real world. We upload all the required files of website to hosting to open a website.


What is WHM and What Does It Do?

WHM stands for Web Host Manager. As is evident from its name, it's a web host manager to control cpanel.


What is cPanel?

It's a Unix-based server control panel, commonly used in our area these days. It has a detailed and eye-pleasing panel homepage. cPanel stands for control panel.


What is Direct Admin?

It's a web-based server control panel, second commonly used in our area these days. Not as much as cPanel but Direct Admin has some pros about graphic in its own way.


What is Plesk?

It's a web-based server control panel, third commonly used in our area these days. We can say that it has a lil bit complicated graphic.


Original: https://www.turkhackteam.org/window...ontrol-panelleri-bilmeyen-kalmasin-rozzz.html

Translator: R4V3N
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