Fake Photo Detection | Fotoforensics


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
Welcome, in this article, I will be answering the question of how do we know if the photo we have is real or if it is an edited photo.

In this article, we will take advantage of Error Level Analysis (ELA) whether the photo is real or fake. In this analysis method, we examine the level of compression errors in the photographs and determine whether they are fake or not.​
Let's get to the analysis part now

Real Photo:

Fake Photo:

As you can see I painted the dog's tongue, this photo is obviously a fake. But you can assume that this is a complex photograph. I will use
, an online resource for analysis. I will login to the site, upload the pictures one by one and compare the ELA results.​

ELA result we got for the real photo when we upload the pictures:

ELA result we got for fake photo:

When we examine the ELA results of both photos, the edited photo directly catches the eye. Since the compression error rate of the blue tongue added with the montage is different from the original photo, it appears with a different color as a ELA result.

So, we can do Error Level Analysis to find out if the photos are real or fake.

Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/adli-bilisim/1923529-sahte-fotograf-tespiti-fotoforensics.html
Translator: Dolyetyus
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