Femme Fatale BritneySpears -I Wanna Go- Sözleri

29 Kas 2011
Lately I've been stuck imagining
What I wanna do and what I really think
Time to blow, out.
Be a little inappropriate
'Cause I know that everybody's thinking it
When the light's, out

Shame, on me.
To need, release.

I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight
I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt I got running through my mind...
I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight
I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt i got running through my mind...


Lately people got me all tied up
There's a countdown waiting for me to e-rupt
Time to blow, out.
I've been told just what you do with it
We keep both my hands above the bla- blanket
When the light's, out.

Shame, on me.
To need, release.

I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight
I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt I got running through my mind...
I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight
I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt i got running through my mind...


Shame, on me (shame on me...)
To need, release (to need, release...)
Uncontrollably (uncontrollably, -lably, -lably, -lably...)

I-I-I wanna go-o-o (I wanna go...) all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight
I-I-I wanna show-o-o (I wanna show...) all the dir-ir-irt I got running through my mind
I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight
I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt i got running through my mind...



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