Gathering Information On Domains


Kıdemli Üye
3 Haz 2017

Gathering Information with Web Services

What is Subdomain?

These subdomains provide to main domain. They are existing on the left side of second level domain. If you have a website like "" and if you decide to open a blog as subdomain, your address is will be like this "" You sometimes see subdomains called "third level domains".

Companies make a bid for create a mobil website. They usually use m. domain ( Google pulled to foreground mobile devices on ranking. Thus, a lot companies created mobile websites to keep pace with that websites.

To allow for differentiation in design or branding. Subdomains are great for landing pages or for section of your website which could stand on their own, such as a blog or shop. Many content creators, such as those on YouTube, have merchandise stores that are part of their brand, but not elemental to it. Having that section live on a subdomain attaches it to your brand, while allowing you the freedom to have separate design, look, and feel from the rest of what you put out.


What Is Second Level Domain?

A Second-Level Domain (SLD) is a specific part of a website, page domain name or URL address that complements a Top-Level Domain. One of the easiest ways to define a Second-Level Domain is that it consists of that portion of the domain name to the left of the “.COM” or other similar extensions, which is called a Top-Level Domain. Analysis of the Top-Level and Second-Level domains helps to analyze a URL or page address.


What Is Top Level Domain (TLD)?

A Top-Level Domain, or TLD, is a term you may have come across before while you were trying to search for that perfect domain name. TLD is just a fancy term for your domain name’s extension. The domain name extension is the letters to the right of your Second-Level Domain. An easy example of this is .COM or .ORG. When someone is referring to a TLD they are referring to the extension only.



What is Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD)?

A Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD), refers to domain extensions that are generic in nature. Google recognizes these as generic and you can feel free to register them all for your business or personal domain name. Some of the common ones you will find are .XYZ, .ONLINE, etc. There are literally hundreds so good luck!


What is ccTLD?

ccTLD stands for Country Code Top-Level Domains. It indicates region or country specific domain extensions. These domain extensions inform Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and users that your services are out of the region or target the region you specify in your ccTLD. There are several ccTLDs that Google gives as gTLDs in search, such as .IO, .ME and .TV.

Don't forget that lots of ccTLD has language requirements, your company has to be in a certain locati0n or you have to obey internet / digital laws. For example, .tr is for Turkey obviously and it has some limitations. You have to be owner of Turkey-origin business or organization, be a Turkish citizen, and have a permanent abode.

ccTLDs are the only TLD that is not managed by ICANN which manages IP numbers and DNS. Every country can be on the market with theirs own TLD. ccTLD is easy to detect because it only has 2 digit such as .tr, .fr, .us.


What is sTLD?

Sponsored Top-Level Domain (sTLD) is used by specific niches and is not allowed for use by the general population or general customers. Two of the more recognizable are .GOV and .EDU.

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