How do I pass Instagram verification?

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...


Kıdemli Üye
19 Tem 2011
Friends ask for a verification code after a while for the stolen accounts, and because we couldn't do this, the account owner understands this and gets his account back.

According to my research, the solution to this situation arising from new versions of Instagram is actually simple,

Use Instagram as old version;

This is not the case with the old version of instagram, it is due to new versions.

Don't log in to instagram on computer;

When you try to log in, the account will close as if using the same instagram.

Let me give you the old version.

Download the apk file : click
Virustotal : click

"In line with the question;"

- I entered the account that needs to be verified and the same error comes up.
+ If you first log in to the account you are stealing from this apk, you will not get stuck on the verification, after you change the e-mail address, you will be connected to the verification when you enter the current Instagram, and you can easily confirm the e-mail addresses.

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
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