How is on-page SEO done?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013

On-page SEO is very important for all websites that publish on the internet and want to attract traffic organically. Doing on-page SEO work with SEO studies helps users to come out in the front row of the pages in their search queries by ensuring that the website is compatible with the search engines. Since this plays an important role in organically directing traffic to the website, doing these studies correctly for e-commerce companies creates an opportunity to increase conversions.

There are SEO studies done outside the site as well as inside the site. We will touch on this issue in detail in the coming days. Today, we will only focus on on-page SEO work.

How is on-page SEO done?

Remove elements that reduce the speed of the site

Since the web site loading speed has an effect on SEO, removing the elements that reduce the speed of your website and increasing the loading speed of your site should be among your priority studies. In the past, SEO efforts mostly depended on keyword usage, but today the user experience affects the rankings of the pages in the search results.

Because the slow loading of the site makes search engines think that the site may be problematic, it shows these slow sites lower in search queries. Search engines also aim to provide the best experience to their users. For this reason, instead of slow-opening pages, it recommends pages with high opening speed to users.

Increasing the opening speed of your website plays an important role for your on-page SEO efforts as it improves the user experience.


Arrange the page headers and subheadings correctly

Search engine bots understand what the page is about, especially by looking at the page titles when indexing pages. For this reason, you need to set and create your page titles correctly.

Make sure every page on your website has one "h1" tagged banner. The "h1" tag indicates the page title title. It is recommended to have one "h1" heading on each page. Otherwise, these bots will have trouble indexing the page.

When you need to use intermediate titles in the text on the page while doing your on-page SEO work, you can use the tags "h2, h3, h4, h5, h6". Here you can use these sub-title tags in a hierarchical order. You can use these subheadings as many times as you want.


Set up your meta descriptions correctly

Although Google automatically provides a custom meta description that is compatible with the search query by modifying meta descriptions in search queries, create your meta descriptions to make the content of your pages understood by search engines and to offer an alternative and an alternative meta description for Google.

Build your URL structure with meaningful and readable words

The URL structure of your site is also one of the issues that should be emphasized in on-page SEO studies. It is an important issue that the links on your site consist of meaningful sentences and that you pass your keywords in these links. Instead of randomly generated auto-generated links, you also need to edit the link structures on your pages to make them compatible with search engines.

For example:

A URL structure will provide better indexing of the page.


Optimize your image

In your on-page SEO efforts, you also need to optimize the visuals you use on your website. You can also drive traffic to your site from image searches. For this, the images you use must be compatible with search engines.

When uploading an image to your site, you should remember to use key words about the content of the image in the image URL. In addition, keeping the file size of the image small will positively affect the loading speed of the page. In addition, by creating image alt tags, it is useful to create indexable and text related to the image.


Make your in-site referral links

With in-site referral links, you can make users spend more time on the site and direct them to different content related to the page or content they are viewing. This will increase the time spent on the page and the rate of page visited per user. The fact that users spend more time on your site also shows that your site offers valuable and relevant content to users by search engines and that your user experience is good. This contributes to your on-site SEO efforts, albeit indirectly.


Update your site regularly

Updating your site at regular intervals is also important for on-page SEO. When you don't update your site for a long time, search engines will rank the site lower in the ranking for search queries because they will assume that the site is out of date. Regularly updating your site will show search engines that your site is up to date.


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